View Full Version : waiting for pvp

01-12-2017, 05:49 PM
I've been a loyal and active player since the game came out. And still, everyday I log in get my daily reward, play some rounds against the Lord of Light and complete my available secret locations. I feel that I have tried and completed most part of the game, since I have beaten all the levels with max number of skulls( I know that there are certain challenges that are left, but slowly and steadily I'm working towards those too).

The problem is, that since before the xmas "event" there had been no real updates/features to the game. I've used up all my ironites(1300) on xmas souls, only getting 2 xmas characters (ofc not the coalgiver). And as I live in Central Europe, the arena is not (yet) available to me. And I know that it takes a lot of effort to implement a huge update fully like this. But while other people are buying skill shards and rare souls for their in-arena points. We just sit here, feeling a bit ignored.

The point is that, in order to decrease this feeling of ignorance towards the unluckier part of the world, so at least minor additions/updates should be added. New challenges would be able to, I think, keep us in LotB mood. Not even mentioning features like sacrifice.