View Full Version : Thoughts So Far
07-31-2016, 01:39 PM
So, a few weeks in and it's obvious to me the game had no beta test. They made plenty of their dev money up with founders packs, so rather than focusing on making the Legendary and other packages available to all (which they tout as some kind of treat for us, but it's just so they can make more money quickly), they need to get their house in order with all the bugs so the game is actually playable to all.
There are simply way too many issues that make this launch seem like a simple money grab and like there was no testing done to warrant high marks in the play store. I've posted a 1-star review. Hopefully this will get their attention. I urge you to do the same until they post a general response to us on the forum or the Play/iTunes store.
We all love the band, but the nostalgia and excitement wear off very quickly if the next update fails to provide some significant changes that will actually make the game playable. Enough is enough.
Now I'm just constantly thinking that they should have at least released El Dorado Eddie before sailing away in their lifeboats.
Lamia and mods: PLEASE at least post the date and details for the next update so we are not all just simmering in our frustration and end up planning a mass exodus.
07-31-2016, 03:07 PM
I don't know, man. I don't see many posts planning a mass "exodus". It is true that the game has a lot of bugs, it's also true that there's practically no communication with the dev team, but I think most of us prefere to give them the benefit of the doubt.
The game was tested before global launch. And as far as we know the company behind the game had some issues with "attacks" (DDos I assume) so the game was even more unstable.
I think most of us here are grown ups, driven by a nostalgia as you say, and that's why there hasn't been a lot of trash talk here.
The game has been launched globally for a month, 31 days give or take, maybe they were not expecting this many players, maybe they did but they do not care. It's simply to early to know.
I'll give them the benefit of the doubt until I see an official response on my Grinding post. After that, if I think that they are not as interested in the game as we are I will change my rating, and most likely ask for a refund. But one month is too early to know what's their plan, let's give them some time. They deserve it, the game is amazing
when we are able to play it :P.
07-31-2016, 03:37 PM
I have to agree with Gonzo here. I have no plans to abandon the game. I love the gameplay and the battle mechanics. Really looking forward to Arena and new worlds too.
All I want is an acknowledgement of the major issues alot of us seem to be having, and a commitment to fix in timely manner. It's all about communication, they are able to tweet about the new legendary pack over the weekend, so surely they can respond to what is becoming an issue for many players.
You may see that I've managed to buy the legendary pack today in one of the brief moments I could get in to the game, the reason being I do want to support the game. And will do in the future too. But i hope they will be more open and communicate with the user base.
07-31-2016, 03:57 PM
We will see, lots of exploits and broken mechanics to exploit if this goes PvP in arena. The blue allied soldier is retarded broken for example. There are character combinations we haven't seen yet that should be either invincible or extremely OP, and of course there are issues that if whatever douchebag you come across doesn't want to play you or wants to troll you, they have the ability to crash the game. Lots of ways to tie someone into an endless battle whereby they would stop playing and let you win. Not to mention the bottle neck right now of collecting shards and talismans.
07-31-2016, 04:01 PM
Wait... Did they say it was going to be LIVE PVP???? I serioulsy doubt that.
07-31-2016, 04:02 PM
Wait... Did they say it was going to be LIVE PVP???? I serioulsy doubt that.
They didn't, I simply assumed that's what the arena was going to be. Is that not the case?
07-31-2016, 04:04 PM
Here's what I have to say:
I love the game. Being an Iron Maiden fan I have really dedicated time and money to this, and it has been really fun so far. The soundtrack, graphics, references... All that is really good.
But I agree with everyone with the fact that the game is FULL of bugs and server issues that make us feel frustrated because we really want this game to succeed and have fun for months or years.
My major issue was (and I've already mentioned it a LOT here on the forums) that I couldn't go on with the game after my old account faced the Facebook Login issue, I lost everything and started again a few days ago. I was told I would be given some Ironite to make up for what I lost (including a starter pack I paid for) but so far I haven't received anything.
As I said, I love the game. But things like not knowing exactly what's going on with the devs or when are things going to get fixed are bringing the game down.
I'm more than willing to pay to play this thing, as long as I get a guarantee that I will be able to play without further major problems.
Let's hope everything gets fixed soon.
JP (RisenOsiris-7568)
07-31-2016, 04:09 PM
They didn't, I simply assumed that's what the arena was going to be. Is that not the case?
I don't think so. Live PVP hasn't been around in mobile games since forever. I'm thinking more of a set your team/climb a ladder kinda PVP.
Live is just to messy. But we'll have to wait and see.
07-31-2016, 04:15 PM
I don't think so. Live PVP hasn't been around in mobile games since forever. I'm thinking more of a set your team/climb a ladder kinda PVP.
Live is just to messy. But we'll have to wait and see.
That could work. I don't think a Live PVP would be the best idea, at least not until everything is fixed.
A possibility is something like what the game TWD: No Man's Land has done: all players select their characters, and you can fight against the other players' teams, but not live... The characters of your opponent are controlled by the AI. Just an idea...
07-31-2016, 04:52 PM
Haven't played that game. But Ladder PVP is the most common one. And, IMO, the best.
07-31-2016, 04:53 PM
I don't know, man. I don't see many posts planning a mass "exodus". It is true that the game has a lot of bugs, it's also true that there's practically no communication with the dev team, but I think most of us prefere to give them the benefit of the doubt.
The game was tested before global launch. And as far as we know the company behind the game had some issues with "attacks" (DDos I assume) so the game was even more unstable.
I think most of us here are grown ups, driven by a nostalgia as you say, and that's why there hasn't been a lot of trash talk here.
The game has been launched globally for a month, 31 days give or take, maybe they were not expecting this many players, maybe they did but they do not care. It's simply to early to know.
Gonzo, I never said there were "many posts planning a mass exodus." I said (to quote myself), "Lamia and mods: PLEASE at least post the date and details for the next update so we are not all just simmering in our frustration and end up planning a mass exodus." The key operative here is "END UP planning a mass exodus." Patience has an expiration date on all living beings.
It only takes so much frustration with no help or communication before people get fed up. There are a few posts from people thinking about asking for refunds on Founders Packs; I myself had purchased one, and I've spent hundreds of dollars in-game for a game that gets stuck, keeping me from advancing. Some people can't even log on. Others, like JP music, lost everything and had to start over. This is not acceptable!
The game's only been out a month, but a month IS too long to wait for a response from the dev team. I sent 3 emails about 3 separate issues and have received 0 response for my emails from 3, 2 1/2, and 2 weeks ago. We are in the dark about fixes, a scheduled update, patch, or whatever. The only serious update they've done is to sell you the Legendary Pack (which I bought as well) and MINOR bug fixes; but no major bugs were fixed.
Now, many people (including myself) can't even get their trooper rewards that they've waited a week to get. This game is acting like a Beta version, and they had not announced a launch date for the full until about a week or two before said date. They could have simply held off on the launch before they released a game where Samurai Eddie and other major characters can't even deal any damage. These are BETA TESTING BUGS, not LAUNCH BUGS.
Yes, we ALL love Maiden and the music and graphics are excellent in this game. But what good are those things for someone who can't log in? What about the guy who bought the $666 Founders Pack and his talismans can't even be equipped! That's a high-profile, VIP customer who paid a hell of a lot of money for something that obviously didn't even get tested. And I know it didn't get tested, because to test it, they would have had to equip the talismans to test. Equipping talisman freezes game? Oh, let's fix that before we launch the game and disappoint a person who paid a boatload of money for it! SIMPLE! BETA!
And yes, I am giving them the benefit of the doubt, but I'd be an idiot if I wait another FULL month, keep giving them my money, rate them 5*, and still get no response about simple, BETA FIXES that should not exist in the first place. I hope the 1* rating on Google Play wakes somebody at Roadhouse.
It doesn't take long to post a single-sentence apology and ennouncement about bug fixes int eh FORUM, PLAY/iTUNES STORE, TWIITER, or OFFICIAL SITE. They have not taken that wisp of time to abate or pacify our frustrations. Being overwhelmed is no excuse. I'm not asking for individual responses, just a simple, general post acknowledging that they are on top of it.
Up the Irons
07-31-2016, 05:18 PM
I get the same bugs you are getting. And as I said before the communication is terrible, and yet, the game is really good.
This game has something really important, it's not P2W, which is a lot given how games are these days. You don't need to buy anything. That in my book is a big plus.
That simple fact buys them enough time to get things right. And really, one month is not that much time for a mobile game. Unfortunately, and I agree with you, they are
commiting a cardinal sin, lack of communication being the worst (Yes, I know that's not a cardinal sin, but I just wanted to emphasize it).
We are all in the same boat, we all wish the best for the game. And I really like that you are taking the time to write this post because by posting and having a civilized discussion we also show them that we are really invested in the game.
Regarding the founders pack, I don't know, I did not buy it and you did not buy it. We should let the people who actually bought it talk about it. I do think, however, that having a separate or special forum for them is really stupid. That has to change, treat the community as a whole, don't post only in that forum, because $666 may be a lot when you are starting, but I'm sure it's not us much as what they made this weekend with the Legendary Pack.
If they don't change then yeah... I'll be Moses.
07-31-2016, 05:20 PM
That could work. I don't think a Live PVP would be the best idea, at least not until everything is fixed.
A possibility is something like what the game TWD: No Man's Land has done: all players select their characters, and you can fight against the other players' teams, but not live... The characters of your opponent are controlled by the AI. Just an idea...
I play TWD:Road to Survival. I prefer playing maiden by FAR since it has better strategy involved, but Maiden's lack of multiplayer is a big issue imo.
In TWD:RtS we have Raids and Wars, which is very similar to No Man's Land in the format (but completely on gameplay). In RtS you have your defense team (5 Characters, 1 Leader; AI controlled though) and while you are offline you receive Assaults from any other player that encounters you; they steal your food and wood. Wars are more complex and hellish cooler but more complex.
BUT, there's another game called BattleHand. It's veeery similar to Legacy of the Beast, first time that I tried it I remembered BattleHand instantly. Major diference is instead upgrading Talismans you have Skills to level up, and it's way more unfair (here we can evolve the tier of characters/Talismans, best mechanic ever).
On BattleHand, there's Dungeon that you face "harder stages" typo, like 3-5 in sequence with no intervals, the way you finished the last stage you start the next (debuffs, health, etc). Rewards are given when you forfeit or get to the finish. Losing not give any rewards. (Good call for Maiden, but little impressive imo, and lack of multiplayer).
And the best is Arena. There you fight with AI controlled teams of random players (you can pick which one you will go for) and you climb a latter, with win streaks and such. There's rewards based on the pontuation and a multiplayer ladder.
IMO, having only 1 feature to Legacy of the Beast is going to be few, since late game content is a major issue on my point of view. I hope Arena will be really good stuff :D
08-01-2016, 03:40 AM
So, a few weeks in and it's obvious to me the game had no beta test. They made plenty of their dev money up with founders packs, so rather than focusing on making the Legendary and other packages available to all (which they tout as some kind of treat for us, but it's just so they can make more money quickly), they need to get their house in order with all the bugs so the game is actually playable to all.
There are simply way too many issues that make this launch seem like a simple money grab and like there was no testing done to warrant high marks in the play store. I've posted a 1-star review. Hopefully this will get their attention. I urge you to do the same until they post a general response to us on the forum or the Play/iTunes store.
We all love the band, but the nostalgia and excitement wear off very quickly if the next update fails to provide some significant changes that will actually make the game playable. Enough is enough.
Now I'm just constantly thinking that they should have at least released El Dorado Eddie before sailing away in their lifeboats.
Lamia and mods: PLEASE at least post the date and details for the next update so we are not all just simmering in our frustration and end up planning a mass exodus.
I asked for a refund for the same reasons and they agreed. (Eternity package) It's almost 1K in Canada... I was expecting a little better than a coiner's beta game.
08-01-2016, 04:40 AM
I asked for a refund for the same reasons and they agreed. (Eternity package) It's almost 1K in Canada... I was expecting a little better than a coiner's beta game.
I don't blame you. I really hope they fix things soon, as my fear is that the game will fail if they don't. The people on these forums are mostly pretty understanding and willing to give a chance. BUT the majority of players are casual gamers and maybe even some are not Maiden fans. The time it has taken for fixes is enough for early adopters to run for the hills. For every person saying they are willing to wait there are possibly 10 or more who are not and aren't on this forum BECAUSE they don't care enough. They just see a buggy game and move on to the next one. I love this game and want it to succeed. This is why I hope they fix things very very soon.
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