View Full Version : Why I won't compete in PVP until matchmaking is fixed

03-18-2017, 04:37 PM
Hey Troopers,

PVP has been fun but has been too costly both in Time and money and I need to take a break, basically I am being attacked constantly and therefore drop about 300 points every night. The sad thing is that my Attack team is good and I win against all top players and even my defense held Shaolindo 3 times but I can't face the sheer number of attacks and have to spend 60 ironistes per morning just to go back to the level of the night before. I have been attacked almost 509 times this week and 400 times both weeks before that... I see some players with 2500 points plus who have been attacked less than 100 times... this is just not fair...

See you all after the fix, I will keep playing all troopers everyday but my 750 battles this week are worth nothing :-(


03-18-2017, 05:08 PM
i feel you, this is highly unfair, but i expect some nice updates coming 1-2 weeks after the event, maybe i'm dreaming, but i feel something is moving.
so things should be in order in some weeks.

enjoy your pvp break man

03-18-2017, 08:25 PM
With all of the threads like this, I feel the devs will take it to heart and hopefully fix this issue. Though they may not post here all too often, they do seem to listen to what we say and keep it in mind for coming updates. As such, I'm glad people like you guys bring attention to these issues on the forums so the devs can see it!

Ancient Mariner
03-19-2017, 09:03 AM
Making you use ironite to catch up with the many attacks that bring your score down is exactly what they want, so that you're led to spend money to buy more ironite, what do you expect..
This game is free but as any other game, it tempts you to spend money for it, it's the main goal for those who create them. So forget "fairness", this whole world is unfair.

Anyways I'll never spend a cent for this super bugged game

03-19-2017, 10:15 AM
I get that the developers need to make money, but the way they go about it doesn't even make sense. The arena scoring actually puts you off buying ironite because it literally is a waste: the amount of ironite needed to go from an average level of 1700, up to 1900 is more than you get in rewards. Might as well not bother, especially since you have no real way to control inbound attacks, so even 100% win rate would not be enough once the revenges start.

03-19-2017, 11:56 AM
I get that the developers need to make money, but the way they go about it doesn't even make sense. The arena scoring actually puts you off buying ironite because it literally is a waste: the amount of ironite needed to go from an average level of 1700, up to 1900 is more than you get in rewards. Might as well not bother, especially since you have no real way to control inbound attacks, so even 100% win rate would not be enough once the revenges start.

yep exactly this is the problem. it's sp demotivating to win 97% of the time for example and still stay at 1900 points all the time. that will not create much miney in the longterm, this will annoy players away. but i hope for reasonable changes soon.

03-19-2017, 03:23 PM
I think a solution could be not to loose points from defense losses, unless it is a battle for rank.

So if you lose to someone way above or below you no lost point. But if the attacker is lets say +/- 25 rank you lose points as now as it is a direct battle for the rank.

Just an idea

03-19-2017, 04:15 PM
Oh yeah, and you could reward holds with either ironites, coins or VP.

Would prolly make the Stun/taunt fest even more regular (if that is even possible) 😄

03-21-2017, 05:40 AM
I think if you rewarded holds with ironite or sow (no lost points) people would actually try to make a defense that can win as much as possible. Right now its better to make your defense as annoying as posdible so people dont try to fight you.

The way things are now it is way better to not appear on attack lists than it is to have a good hold rate. If one could only find a way to not get attacked... Cough cough