View Full Version : Weird ranking in arena

05-20-2017, 03:06 PM

I've noticed two weird things in the ranking this week, one was that players had more points this week, but this is maybe because of some tweaking or because more people play since last update.


I was about rank 240, (noticed it because of the greater iron coins gain) and a few minutes later (10 min), without any game played (i wasn't attacked either) i was down to rank 600. I played 1 game to see if it was just a bug and climbed to rank 550, since then i'm reloading every minutes and i gain about 7 ranks each minute (still without any games played in ATK or DEF), i'm doing it for 15 min now and i'm reaching rank 450. Feels like it is some Glitch

p.s I checked from 15h 35 GMT to 16h GMT the 20.05, after that i lost some defense, so i couldn't find anything relevant.

Up the irons

05-20-2017, 03:19 PM

I've noticed two weird things in the ranking this week, one was that players had more points this week, but this is maybe because of some tweaking or because more people play since last update.


I was about rank 240, (noticed it because of the greater iron coins gain) and a few minutes later (10 min), without any game played (i wasn't attacked either) i was down to rank 600. I played 1 game to see if it was just a bug and climbed to rank 550, since then i'm reloading every minutes and i gain about 7 ranks each minute (still without any games played in ATK or DEF), i'm doing it for 15 min now and i'm reaching rank 450. Feels like it is some Glitch

p.s I checked from 15h 35 GMT to 16h GMT the 20.05, after that i lost some defense, so i couldn't find anything relevant.

Up the irons

It's probably not a glitch, it's just other people playing. As people gain more points than you, your rank will drop and vice versa. There may be hundreds or more people that are at the same rank so it's likely to fluctuate quite a bit unless you are very high or extremely low in rank.

They did tweak the point system, which I'm sure has a lot to do with the higher points. Not sure if it's working like they want it too or not.

05-20-2017, 03:38 PM
It could be if it was something like a 10-20% drop,

I've reached the same amount of points i had earlier (2 pts less to be exact (from 2578 to 2576)) and I'm rank 392.

But if we just look at my initial drop it was a drop of 150% (240->600), which should be a difference of at least 100 pts, so it would mean that in a time span of 10mn, 360 players somehow gained 100 pts or more.

So it's NOT just some fluctuation, same for my rank increasing now, if it was going up or down randomly it would be, but gaining 7 ranks each 60 seconds for 1500 seconds would be like wining 25 coin toss in a row (so about 0.000003% of chance to happen)

Edit : lost 8 pts, still climbing up (rank 375)

05-20-2017, 03:45 PM
You're not taking into account that your rank may be reported as 240 but there may quite a few other people with the exact same point total as you. Which means that it could report you as anywhere within that range, depending on how it reads the list. If there were 100 other people with the exact same points and the highest rank in that was 240, someone else may be seeing the same total points with a rank of 340. Technically you should be the same rank, but I don't think that's how it gets reported.

05-20-2017, 03:53 PM
Still, lets say i was the first of 500 players (from 240 to 739) who were in a span of 10 pts, which would be weird already, (like having rank 24 to 73 in a span of 20 pts (since they have twice my points i put twice the span, actual span of 600)), going to rank 600 would have a probabiliy lower than 0.01%, so NOT just something due to fluctuations, if is was just unusual or unlikely to happen i wouldnt have signaled it.

05-20-2017, 04:01 PM
Still, lets say i was the first of 500 players (from 240 to 739) who were in a span of 10 pts, which would be weird already, (like having rank 24 to 73 in a span of 20 pts (since they have twice my points i put twice the span)), going to rank 600 would have a probabiliy lower than 0.01%, so NOT just something due to fluctuations, if is was just unusual or unlikely to happen i wouldnt have signaled it.

Why would it have a probability of lower than 0.01%. Say you were at the top of the list and showing 240, if I read that same list in reverse order you're at 739. Then, there are also the people actively playing at that rank level (say 100, which might be pretty low, could be 1,000+ judging by the number of downloads in the play store). If those 100, that were a few points below climb then that tier suddenly goes from 340 to 839 and you may end up in a different spot in the list. If it's 1,000 and only half win their battles you've jumped to the 740 to 1239 range.

05-20-2017, 04:06 PM
Cause i said it was in a span of 10 pts so more or less 1 victory. Having 500 poeple in a span 10 pts when the 140 people in front of these 500 are in a span of 300 pts is already unlikely enough.

I just checked my troopers ranking (i've been dumb not doing this sooner), one is rank 640 with 200 pts less, so there's definitely something glitchy going on

05-20-2017, 04:09 PM
The point system is designed (by accident or purposely) to approximate a bell curve. So, you have a few outliers on the upper and lower end of the spectrum but the majority is grouped into a much wider group. Being a part of the wider group has it's benefits and drawbacks. It is much harder to anticipate the defenses you'll face as there is a much larger attack pool to draw from, but most of the defenses are considerably less effective. I actually play with a 'B' team defense, so that I win some, but not too many. I'd rather not face all the nonsense at the higher competition level right now. I'm going primarily for iron coins so a good defense beats a great defense at the moment for me.

05-20-2017, 04:13 PM
55,000 reviews and over 1,000,000 installs in google play store. So, the numbers are really hard to predict. Some of it also may be server not keeping up with stuff as quick as it should. Unless you're trying to achieve Warlord status it won't make much difference in the end.

05-20-2017, 04:18 PM
You're certainly right,
However, the purpose of this thread was to tell the devs that there was something clunky in the ranking system. I had already experience things like this, but it was on a far smaller scale (change of 5-7% in my rank). Therefore, when i saw it was going far beyond what i've experienced i thought it wold be a good idea to signal it.

Thanks for your help :)

05-20-2017, 04:21 PM
The same thing has been happening to me this week. I think the eternity soul thing has gotten more people interested in pvp. I'm noticing jumps of 100-200 ranks in a few minutes too. My guess is that everyone between rank 500-200 are all within 50 points or so. I can play one match and jump up 40-50 in the ranking.

Nodding Frogs gonna make some money this weekend. Between the eternity souls and the immortal souls, people will be buying a lot of ironite. I might even buy some if the drop rate of the event is decent.

05-20-2017, 04:23 PM
I just pulled up my attack list and everyone on a fresh list is above me (normally it's about a 50/50 split). So, I'd guess there are quite a few people actively playing. Only one that is even close to my points, the rest are 100 to 200 points higher than me which is unusual. I could make huge point gains playing this list as I'd be jumping 15-17 points at a time.

05-20-2017, 04:24 PM
I've checked it, 300 pts between rank 260 and 640 (numbers from my trooper list)

05-20-2017, 04:43 PM
And, in about 15 minutes of play I could easily climb by 160 points or more, as could many others. If I purchased more SoW, I could double that or more. I'm sure part of it as because of what MrFreeze said. There may be some people still actively trying to get an eternal soul (not me, it'd take a lot of ironite to accomplish that). Others, like me are just stacking up the iron coins for the store reset and a buffer. Not sure which store the immortal souls will be in (don't recall them saying which one). In my case, I'm hoping it's arena store and the precious soul fragments aren't outrageously priced. So, more likely they'll be in the regular store and cost a large amount of ironite, so I'm trying to keep my little stash of ironite until I find out. Then it'll be a matter of finding out how good the drop rates are.

05-20-2017, 04:55 PM
Nodding Frogs gonna make some money this weekend. Between the eternity souls and the immortal souls, people will be buying a lot of ironite. I might even buy some if the drop rate of the event is decent.

Bingo. I thought I was the only one who realised with the Eternity Souls and the Immortal Soul event that Nodding Frog are just trying to farm money from the player base. I hope I am totally wrong about this but I have a feeling that the drop rate from the Immortal Soul event this weekend is going to be shit. I also hope I am wrong with my assumption here that if they are trying to farm money from us is that they are short of cash. Would hate for that to happen to them :(

05-20-2017, 05:05 PM
Bingo. I thought I was the only one who realised with the Eternity Souls and the Immortal Soul event that Nodding Frog are just trying to farm money from the player base. I hope I am totally wrong about this but I have a feeling that the drop rate from the Immortal Soul event this weekend is going to be shit. I also hope I am wrong with my assumption here that if they are trying to farm money from us is that they are short of cash. Would hate for that to happen to them :(

Hopefully it's not due to shortage of cash. But, as for farming money from us, that is, and should be there goal (they are a business after all). Hopefully drop rates are decent enough, which if they're like the skull levels then maybe (precious fragments haven't been in high supply for me, although other things have been far better than SLs were).

My thinking on it is. One, you get people to spend some money going for the five star Eddies. Two, maybe in the process of gaining those Eddies you help to level up the player base somewhat. The more people you have vying for the top spots, the more likely you'll get some of those people to open their wallets. When the competition for top 100 is a group of maybe 200-300 you have less people spending. If you could get a couple thousand people to that level it really becomes a competition.

Anyway, hopefully they'll make some good coin from this and a lot of us will get a new Eddie or two. Win-win for everyone.

05-20-2017, 05:12 PM
Anyway, hopefully they'll make some good coin from this and a lot of us will get a new Eddie or two. Win-win for everyone.

Totally agree with that statement. Good luck to every player in the event this weekend and good luck to NF in making some cash so they can carry on improving this game which we all love :)

05-20-2017, 05:37 PM
Not sure which store the immortal souls will be in (don't recall them saying which one). In my case, I'm hoping it's arena store and the precious soul fragments aren't outrageously priced. So, more likely they'll be in the regular store and cost a large amount of ironite, so I'm trying to keep my little stash of ironite until I find out. Then it'll be a matter of finding out how good the drop rates are.

They will be available as a random drop in LOL levels, and have better chances of dropping from the higher tiers.