View Full Version : Rainmaker vs vampire hunter?

05-21-2017, 09:18 PM
I got these 2 today and i wonder who is the better one? I have had rainmakers from troopers and i like him, but vampire have i never seen in action and especially not sharded. Do someone have experience with vamp or both?

05-21-2017, 11:40 PM
I've been putting shards into my VH. I've had him for a while. I didn't like him at first. Figuring out a good talisman build has been tricky. I've been using him lately with an assassin set, 2 health wards, and a random purple talisman. I like both future abilities and his fury. The rest rarely gets used. He's fun but I don't trust him in pvp defense yet. Maybe when his skills are maxed. I've got a long way to go before that happens though.

Edit: if you want to try him out send me a request and I'll put him in.