View Full Version : How can you tell when a Trooper has used you?

06-05-2017, 03:02 PM
Maybe I'm missing something, but I've seen people mention that they know how often they've been used by a Trooper / how often the badges were sent.

Is this just being done manually by making note of who sent you badges?

It would be great to see who in your list has used you for the day. It would also be great to be able to "favorite" your favorite troopers so you remember not to delete them in case they go on a break. There are a couple guys who I recognize by name in my list, but I know there are a few that use me daily and I might not recognize them if they were to not play for 6 days (my typical boot-you timeframe).

06-05-2017, 03:23 PM
I'm keeping track by hand if I found that I do not get as much as I expect over a week.

Other than using a 'Keep note' on Android I also relaunch game many time by day to have the pop up window with received badges.
I used to find that when keeping track of badges (my side too) and who is mention in pop-up window, result figures seems accurate.

Also, I think this was discuss in "Suggestions and Feedback".

06-05-2017, 05:05 PM
I'm keeping track by hand if I found that I do not get as much as I expect over a week.

Other than using a 'Keep note' on Android I also relaunch game many time by day to have the pop up window with received badges.
I used to find that when keeping track of badges (my side too) and who is mention in pop-up window, result figures seems accurate.

Also, I think this was discuss in "Suggestions and Feedback".

Good to know, thanks zdm