View Full Version : Wrath

06-07-2017, 03:31 PM
Didn't see a thread on the Wrath, so wanted to start one for us to discuss him, Talisman setups, good support teams to use him with for PvP, etc.

- I have mine fully sharded
- Power skill is devastating
- Basic is so-so; not sure if the Beneficial Effects removal is working as per the advertised 75%, but will try him more and see how it goes
- Not very impressed with his Fury, but other folks says it hits hard, so I need to do further research here. I played Powerslave Madness and his Fury against Horus barely made a dent. My Aces High Fury hits harder and he is not sharded at all

Talisman setups:
- I have mine with 3 Energy + 3 Assassin
- You could use some CC Green Talismans like Paralysis or Blinds since he is an AoE attacker, but I went with Energy so as to build out Power and Fury quickly to use his corresponding skills
- For the mandatory purple slots, I have seen others use Void Talismans...what is the reasoning behind using Voids over Assassin? Many of the toons in PvP hit with true damage, so that nullifies the Void shields

PvP Team support:
- Best Wrath team in PvP is undoubtedly Ringe666's
- He has paired him with Corrupt General and GRE, and another toon which I cannot remember
- If Ringe's team went first, then all you had to do was sit back and enjoy the show...it was a marvelous sight to behold
- Anybody else has any thoughts on team setups for Wrath in PvP?

06-07-2017, 04:49 PM
Well i'm using void/blind sets on him... but assassin/energy makes sense too :) blind effect saved me lots of time in attack.. thats why i like them, but energy is definitely a better choise for defence.. void over assassin mostly for the + removal effect..
No big difference.. anyway i will test your setup too when i have time

For pvp team i totally agree with you.. ringe's one is great.. too bad i don t have a CG and my GRE is far away from being maxed xd

06-07-2017, 06:27 PM
I just got Wrath yesterday and I'm in the process of tooling him up. Had a fully-leveled set of Void talismans looking for a home plus some in-progress Assassin talismans, so it all worked out nicely. I haven't sharded him up yet as my skill shards were earmarked for my Viking Eddie (and wow I don't regret that!).

I agree that the basic attack is underwhelming, but wow the power attack is strong. Not sure yet about the Fury, but I'm hoping it works well as an alternate Fury in teams where I tend not to use the Eddie's Fury (like Rainmaker or Mummy).

06-07-2017, 06:56 PM
Removal of beneficial effects is advertised as 60 % (45+5+10) and working as intended. Sometimes all sometimes nobody.
I have a void set in case it is nobody, many teams use GRE, so his slash removes beneficial effects from his allies when shield is up. Also there are many teams using physical and magic damage.
Also use a set of shell and a extra assassin talisman.
It is first week testing him so many things could change, even not using him at all.
Last week got warrior newborn, so trying him as well, very usefull against green harpy and SSD with strike talismans.

06-07-2017, 08:17 PM
Just a warning to anyone investing in him, there is a Sparton post from the first week Wrath was released implying that the removal rate is too high and there will likely be a reduction to the %.

06-07-2017, 09:00 PM
I have mine setup with blind/assassin talismans. I need 1 more skill shard to have him fully maxed but his basic ability, as far as damage is concerned seems just ok.
In regards to his fury, can someone explain how Flare is supposed to work? For whatever reason, I'm not understanding it.
I do love his power ability though It's insane!

06-07-2017, 09:18 PM
Removal of beneficial effects is advertised as 60 % (45+5+10) and working as intended. Sometimes all sometimes nobody.

Hey R1ck, there is a 7th level on his basic attack (I have to scroll on my phone to see it) which adds another 15% to the Beneficial Effects removal, taking the total to 75%. That is why the dude takes 13 darn Skill Shards!

06-07-2017, 09:38 PM
Hey R1ck, there is a 7th level on his basic attack (I have to scroll on my phone to see it) which adds another 15% to the Beneficial Effects removal, taking the total to 75%. That is why the dude takes 13 darn Skill Shards!

Ohh, my bad, didn't notice that, thanks.
Also was looking at Slauki's thread and is not shown I think.

06-08-2017, 08:41 AM
As more and more people obtain Wrath, hold rates will be going down the drain, will be interesting to see the meta change on defense again to some other characters that are capable of surviving a massive attack from Wrath & CC Teams

06-08-2017, 09:55 AM
75 % + accuracy buff means 100 %. On an AoE-attack, thats pretty darn powerful.

06-08-2017, 01:42 PM
I left him on defense for a couple of days and my hold % went down the drain, Wrath is only good when you can control him and you start first.

06-08-2017, 02:18 PM
Agreed. He is crap on defense unless you have Shell Talismans on him, and have good support toons like Ringe has. I have used him on offense, but even then there are limits on when you can take him, defending on the defense teams which you are facing.

06-08-2017, 02:21 PM
Agreed. He is crap on defense unless you have Shell Talismans on him, and have good support toons like Ringe has. I have used him on offense, but even then there are limits on when you can take him, defending on the defense teams which you are facing.

Problem with shell talismans is that they can easily be removed by W/A NBoL. Also, I prefer immunity as even though you have shell on him for dmg reduction, stun/freeze can render the character useless pretty easily. Can be covered with HH/AD when their passives are fixed.

But nothing saves you from NBoLs :D
And I agree that Wrath is more efficient on offense than defense (no, I don't have him), but this applies to almost any character.

08-18-2017, 05:21 AM
Wrath works good in a team with vampire hunter Eddie and corrupt harpy, or the new assassin class demonling.

08-18-2017, 06:39 AM
I had my Wrath set with Resilience, Resistance, and immunity. Worked alright when I paired him with a Rainmaker, if I went second, everyone targeted Rainmaker and Wrath cleaned up with his power move, followed by masked Harpy hitting the marks. But I've switched to a Navigator Eddie and now the enemy targets Wrath.

08-18-2017, 12:42 PM
I had my Wrath set with Resilience, Resistance, and immunity. Worked alright when I paired him with a Rainmaker, if I went second, everyone targeted Rainmaker and Wrath cleaned up with his power move, followed by masked Harpy hitting the marks. But I've switched to a Navigator Eddie and now the enemy targets Wrath.how do you know that?
We can see battles?
I can only see def enemies team

08-18-2017, 01:50 PM
how do you know that?
We can see battles?
I can only see def enemies team

I'm guessing he uses "Test defense" with autoplay.

08-18-2017, 02:05 PM
I'm guessing he uses "Test defense" with autoplay.

perhaps yes ^^
See only defence teams and can't know what teams defeat us is frustrating

08-23-2017, 03:04 AM
My Wrath is completely unsharded, so my experience using him is limited. But I would say he's designed to be paired with characters that place lots of marks or damage-over-time effects on enemies, since his fury consumes DoT's for extra damage and his basic consumes marks to heal him. Beelzebub and Allied Bomber Boy would be good teammates for him to take advantage of his fury ability. Maybe Rainmaker or Vampire Hunter Eddie to that to take advantage of all the marks Wrath throws around and you've got some great team synergy. Of course, this is purely speculation on my part since I don't have a team even close to this

08-28-2017, 12:16 PM
I have mine setup with blind/assassin talismans. I need 1 more skill shard to have him fully maxed but his basic ability, as far as damage is concerned seems just ok.
In regards to his fury, can someone explain how Flare is supposed to work? For whatever reason, I'm not understanding it.
I do love his power ability though It's insane!
