View Full Version : Up the irons!

08-08-2016, 03:52 AM
Big Maiden fan and addicted to this game if for no other reason than the awesome music and imagery. It's pretty fun, too.

I've been a gamer forever but have fallen out of gaming the last several years, mostly due to work and family obligations. Every once in a while a game bites me and draws me in, and this one sure has. Kudos to the devs! I play daily but I'm pretty terrible at it though, LOL.

My career is in computers but my main interests and hobbies revolve around music. I'm not so great at making it, but I'm pretty good at listening to and enjoying it. ;) Very much looking forward to my wife's and my annual pilgrimage to our metal vacation at ProgPower USA in about a month!

Up the irons, rock on, and keep it metal! |m/