View Full Version : Rank Fluctuation.

07-13-2017, 09:03 PM
Something I noticed this morning. So since I got my lovely new Clairvoyant and chose to change my tactics, my performance has skyrocketed, going from an average of 2000~ rank and 1900~ points to now 500~ rank and 2500~ points. Anyways I've been trying to break into Warlord III all week now with no luck. I don't have a problem using refills and my defense has been holding about 17% of the time, but this morning my rank said about 500 maybe, but after HOLDING one defense strike, my rank changed to around 1100, something about that doesn't seem quite right to me.

07-13-2017, 11:50 PM
I've had the same problem a few times when i was in your position, the system is clunky for ranks above 100. I think it evaluates your position more than giving you a true ranking, and updates periodically, however by comparing it with my troopers, i had some weird rankings. Only top 100 is accurate, I think your final rank is accurate but yeah it's really annoying when you aim for warlord III