View Full Version : Mystic Eddie & Newborn of light

07-24-2017, 12:45 PM
What's everyone's thoughts on the assassin newborn of light? Also, should I sacrifice my mystic Eddie, he seems pretty much a useless toon but idk

07-24-2017, 02:18 PM
What's everyone's thoughts on the assassin newborn of light? Also, should I sacrifice my mystic Eddie, he seems pretty much a useless toon but idk

Only ever sacrifice Dupes, toons get a lot of changes and soon Mystic could become the best Eddie around you never know.... Also Sacrifice will give you useless rewards in return....

07-24-2017, 10:21 PM
Yeah true, sacrifice usually does give me useless rewards in return. I'll just sacrifice my dupe nomad I got yesterday, unless I want two in my team at once hmm not such a good idea...