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08-14-2016, 12:17 AM
lol. At least be transparent with those "deals" and offer a skirt and some lipstick. GTFO

08-14-2016, 01:51 AM
i cannot imagine a worse timing for this offer....that's really ridiculous, the game isn't playable without significant bugs, but they try to milk the custumers.

really good marketing!

i would suggest to give that package away for those, who suffered from the bugs ;-)

08-14-2016, 01:59 AM
I'm pretty sure this kind of offers are programed... Timing couldn't be worse.

08-14-2016, 03:22 AM
Seems like a slap in the face for that pop up right when the "weekly reset" occurs and a bunch of people aren't able to purchase skill shards with trooper points. "Hey I'm sorry you can't get those for free.. maybe if you give us a bit of that cash....?"

08-14-2016, 05:20 AM
It must be programmed or something, because really... 50 bucks?! That's almost the price of a full console game, there's no way 3 skill shards, some Ironite and a little gold are worth 50 bucks, not here not anywhere.

08-14-2016, 07:49 AM
"oh nice, they sell skill shards now, maybe I will buy some"

after checking the store

"O_O well, no thanks"

08-14-2016, 08:49 AM
Seems like a slap in the face for that pop up right when the "weekly reset" occurs and a bunch of people aren't able to purchase skill shards with trooper points. "Hey I'm sorry you can't get those for free.. maybe if you give us a bit of that cash....?"
I get the splash screen advert for this when my game refuses to load. Yup. My face feels slapped.

08-14-2016, 08:52 AM
One question.... What kind of braindead windjammers do you have setting prices for items in the in-game storefront anyway?

There are a number of reasons why whoever controls your storefront is pissing into the wind at best. (These in shop item adverts do little save alienate your customers when the game in question is buggy, broken, or just plain unplayable for a large percentage of your user base)
1. The game is an obvious beta if not in alpha build status. (People are not going to be feeling charitable about your in-game shop when the game it is tied to is a buggy, incomplete and an unbalanced mess.)
2. The price structure for the in-shop goods (at least the ones that cost actual dollars) is laughable. The people that actually have that kind of money to burn are too busy getting their kicks by burning Benjamins in front of homeless people to think about playing your game.

As an alternative, how about a subscription service (like $2.50 a week or so) that delivers a couple of obvious benefits like cutting the unlock timers for the 3-star secret levels in half, cut revive costs in half, double gold, etc. (Perhaps even allow the customer to chose from a list of augments they want enabled in their gameplay.)

08-14-2016, 11:01 AM
In other games when there is 1 bug, there is rewards for the players as an excuses... here, nothing except offers at 50€ and a lot of new bugs every day...

08-14-2016, 06:44 PM
I prefer to give 50 dollars to a homeless that listens to iron maiden than to this scam company.

"Sir, can you spare some change?'

"What do you know about the Wicker Man?"

"Your time will come"

"Here's some money, best of luck to you buddy"


08-15-2016, 02:06 AM
Hahaha good one!

These prices are ridiculous.

For the "fun" of it all, check out what you can actually, physically get from Iron Maiden Official Shop for this price:

Red Baron
08-15-2016, 05:37 AM
Try $79.99 in Australia. Paid $150 to see Iron Maiden recently and $100 for two tour shirts. And you want $79.99 for 3 Skills Shards, 750 Ironite and 50,000 gold.

Seriously what fool comes up with these prices. What fool even pays for such items at such a rip off price. I understand it can be hard to develop a game and then ensure you get revenue to cover past and future expenses, but when the prices are so ridiculous and the amount of gold you have to go through to evolve characters/runes for example, your taking the piss out of everyone.

09-10-2016, 11:06 PM
I just cant imagine pay $50 on a 'Evolve your team' and see the package

Example: Gunner upgrade pack

- 155.000 gold
- Some 4/5 star evo signs,
- Some one star red shard
- Some two star red shard


Every char needs 9 rainbow shards to upgrade to 5*

Yeah, the devs are trolling

09-12-2016, 11:59 AM
I just cant imagine pay $50 on a 'Evolve your team' and see the package

Example: Gunner upgrade pack

- 155.000 gold
- Some 4/5 star evo signs,
- Some one star red shard
- Some two star red shard


Every char needs 9 rainbow shards to upgrade to 5*

Yeah, the devs are trolling

I paid $30 for a legendary package. This is crazy though.

10-10-2016, 10:36 PM
I paid $30 for a legendary package. This is crazy though.

$30 for a legendary pack worth it, because YOU WILL PICK UP AT LEAST A 4 STAR rare char.

10-11-2016, 12:18 PM
Here it's R$200, almost all I have for lunch the entire month (lunch ticket), so it's eat every day or buy skill shards... Yeah it sucks to live in Brazil :(

10-11-2016, 02:41 PM
$50 USD for something you can farm in 2 weeks with 50 troopers.......LOL