View Full Version : Why do they all hate Beelzebub?

08-10-2017, 08:08 PM
This question came to my mind after reading several answers in a post in which users said they had obtained in the Eternal Souls
I want to know why so much hatred towards this eternal, is it really so bad?
I do not have it on my team, I only have one eternal (EE) and I'm satisfied with him

08-10-2017, 08:25 PM
As a proud owner of the demon myself, I can say that, before he got a little damage buff, alot of people really hated him. He was my first eternal, so I've had the longest time to spend with him and, well mine is fully shared and even when you max out his damage output, he only does ~5k to opponents. That can be frustrating.

However, due to his recent change, he's become a tank character with decent defense and MR and around 10k base health maxed with 3 green slots. I've learned that he's the perfect character for survivability situations. Before they "fixed" the talisman bugs where you'd get multiple effects from certain talismans (energy, thief, etc) by equipping them to an AOE character. I used Beezee as my juggernaut. I gave him energy and vampiric talismans. That way he'll heal himself while robbing energy from the opposing team. This next part is my favorite quality of his: Burns. When sharded he has a 90% chance to stack up to 3 burns on every opponent. That's 15% of everyone's health being taken over time. So having alot of health, having a solid regen, stealing energy while having 6 burns active every other turn on all opponents makes him very deadly indeed.

But now since the talismans are fixed, his talisman side is a little less effective but it's still effective. Now he steals 3 energy (sometimes) still better than nothing. And perfect hits have a 100% chance to heal 20% of his health.

Right now I'm experimenting with explosive talismans to change his meta and they're kind of working. Explosive and blind talismans are good if you use them with Navigator Eddie, because the negative effects literally pile all over eachother, making virtually any opponent an instant kill with Navigator's future basic ability, which does 3 hits of random damage, plus one hit for every negative effect on a single opponent.

Dank Brew
08-10-2017, 10:53 PM
Dont know who hates him, but they're foolish. Sure he "only" does 5k-8k damage... To each enemy (that could be up to 32K damage in one fucking hit, as a whole), and then puts up to 3 marks on each enemy... Then he only blinds and seals them, then he ONLY makes the ENTIRE TEAM go invisible... What a wimpy fool.

He is fucking awesome. I maxed mine with shards the second I got him.

08-10-2017, 10:55 PM
He used to hit like a wimp before he got buffed

Dank Brew
08-10-2017, 11:13 PM
He used to hit like a wimp before he got buffed

Ah I didn't have him before the buff. By the way... Do you believe in a thing called love?

08-10-2017, 11:23 PM
Ah I didn't have him before the buff. By the way... Do you believe in a thing called love?

LMAO I completely forgot about that stupid band when I made the name

Dank Brew
08-11-2017, 05:09 PM
Hahahaha I couldn't resist

08-11-2017, 05:58 PM
I'll tell you this - The new Warrior Corrupt Rescuer was built for Beelzebub. He smacks on 4 burns per hit, and she does additional True Damage for every burn (while passively inflicting 4 burns herself).

Maxed (full shards, 3 explosive talismans), she's hitting around:

Green: 8994
Yellow: 6425
Red: 5139

These figures are base, not counting any additional damage from burns. Tested in Underworld Madness.

So stack her with Beelzebub and his 4 burns, add around 2K per burn in damage, and now you're hitting in the 14k damage range. If you like that sort of thing.

Dank Brew
08-11-2017, 07:13 PM
I'll tell you this - The new Warrior Corrupt Rescuer was built for Beelzebub. He smacks on 4 burns per hit, and she does additional True Damage for every burn (while passively inflicting 4 burns herself).

Maxed (full shards, 3 explosive talismans), she's hitting around:

Green: 8994
Yellow: 6425
Red: 5139

These figures are base, not counting any additional damage from burns. Tested in Underworld Madness.

So stack her with Beelzebub and his 4 burns, add around 2K per burn in damage, and now you're hitting in the 14k damage range. If you like that sort of thing.

Hell yes! I'm gonna have to hope for her (I'm sure i'll get her after she gets nerfed). I got the assassin one, but I don't know if i'll ever use her...

08-11-2017, 07:33 PM
Hell yes! I'm gonna have to hope for her (I'm sure i'll get her after she gets nerfed). I got the assassin one, but I don't know if i'll ever use her...

The Assassin one might have value in BNW, but beyond that, she's a shelf piece. I got 2 WCR's yesterday, thanks to 50 rare souls from a sacrifice. So they're dropping.

I have my WCR out now as my Trooper if you want to give her a spin... I can clear a spot for you on the list. Request if you're interested.

Dank Brew
08-11-2017, 08:31 PM
Just sent request. Thanks