View Full Version : Back to farming underworld SADness

Dank Brew
08-11-2017, 07:11 PM
Screw BNW. It's not worth the time, frustration, and wasted trooper points. Sorry to the 15 troopers who didn't get points cause of freezes, and glitches, and even a phone call that made the game restart (WHEN THE BOSS HAD LESS THAN 1k HP!!!!).

If it doesn't freeze, it will take atleast 20 minutes just to give you gold only as a reward, or just plain 3* runes. Selling a talisman only from the rewards screen works 1/3 of the time too BTW.

Back to the underworld sadness.

08-13-2017, 01:33 PM
All the hubbub and still not enough 2 and 3 star Evo shards and runes to level up my toons properly.
If I can only lvl up a toon to 5 star once a week if I'm lucky then I've spent most of my time farming UW SADNESS.
Leveling up 6 runes to 5 stars at level 50? HHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA. FORRRRREVERRRRRRR. Or $$$ once a month for maybe two toons.

08-14-2017, 04:08 AM
Beat you to the punch, Dank. Played about ten BNW levels day of release. Went back to my usual farming. Saw about all I needed to.