View Full Version : What are you going to do, NF?

09-05-2017, 02:59 PM
Great players are leaving every week, and many more of us are seeking out reasons to stay as this experience becomes a chore vs. an enjoyment. Now Witkacy is leaving, and with good reason.

I had a small rant last week in your defense regarding game bugs, but that's because I don't experience the same crashing that many others do. I can't even imagine sticking with this if I was having those issues in addition to the monotony.

The game is the same thing, over and over. Not enough resources to make a difference, so buy the resources and take a chance - but you better have picked one of the 4 characters worth sharding this month, because otherwise, you just wasted your skill shards. And by the way, we're going to nerf them next month... and if that hasn't made you throw your phone and say f**k it, then you can spend the time figuring out which new characters to use in the arena against the same defense made up of the 8 decent characters in the game. And just so you spend more money, here's 5 japanese sluts to collect that have nothing to do with Iron Maiden.

Come on. So many players are saying the same thing - if it wasn't for the obligation to the Troopers, they'd be gone. And I feel the same way. There used to be a sense of excitement in putting together some creative defense that would challenge others - but eventually, you sift through all the useless toons and realize that while they may be cool, they don't hold up in the arena at all. So what's the point then? New toons to use when grinding random shit on autoplay? There's no fun in farming, no matter how cool the move set is. PVP is the only thing you can do in this game that presents you with a creative challenge. But there's no creative challenge when you need to use the same group of toons that everyone else uses.

I used to want a Prisoner, AHE, VHE, Cyborg... but honestly don't care much anymore. VHE is hot today, but that will stop at some point and he can sit on the shelf like Viking and the rest of the 5-star toons that will make you lose.

I don't know what it entails exactly, but you need to fix this game. BNW coming with a 15 SoT pricetag was a mistake. Character events like this latest one that is basically 'buy the character'... why? Spend my real money for another character on the bench? There's a balance between making a profit and keeping players, and that balance needs to be found. There are many of us longtime players that are being patient with you, but patience runs out eventually. I think we're still here because we really want this game to be what it can be. We see the potential.

So what are you going to do to fix it?

09-05-2017, 04:56 PM
^^^^ ditto!!!

09-05-2017, 04:58 PM
+1000 they must learn how to listen players...

09-05-2017, 05:01 PM
Precise and to the point.

What are you going to do to fix this NF?

09-05-2017, 05:52 PM
as I said before, this is really boring

09-05-2017, 05:55 PM
^^^Every word of this^^^ I used to have so much fun playing this game, especially back when we had arena events, and even the 5* Eddie event was great, back when you could win with a moderate amount of ironite but at some point the devs got it in their heads that they make more money if they make things more monetary based (Mythical Soul, anyone remember that? $100 for 1 5* character). This last event is what made me lose my faith in the game, I dropped all of my ironite just to hit 190/200 for the character, and then I find out that the event had to be cancelled. And out of 23 rare souls, I got at least alot of above 3* toons, but none at a 5* and none were an Eddie or Valkyrie, I dunno, maybe my luck is only limited to the size of my wallet, and since I don't spend any money on this game, it's why I don't have as much success as the ones who do. Pointless rants aside, at this point I only log on to play my forum troopers and the skull quests, and enough arena to earn the eternal fragments. Other than that, it's really just depressing to play.

09-05-2017, 06:10 PM
Wtf? Have they really canceled the event?
The good thing is that I have not spent my ironites on that garbage of fragments

09-05-2017, 08:04 PM
I'm not a member of NF, but i will tell you what are they going to do...ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

The event will start with a delay or get swept under the carpet. some players will be left with a unique character,which never existed. some will be left with XYZ/200 fragments as a bitter memory of what they have missed. A new milking event will be rushed out to shut us up (trooper eddie?). and MAYBE everyone will get 75 ironite over some FB redeem code.
been there,done that!

09-05-2017, 10:13 PM
Can't say it any better. Really enjoyed the game before BNW. I just think BNW, the cost and time to run, really did it for alot of players.


09-06-2017, 09:37 AM
It really is a sad state of affairs at the moment on this board and with reason. Luckily for me I did not take part as reset is when I go to sleep so dodged a bullet there by the looks of it. I hope this all gets fixed and that we can all move on but I hope the devs compensate those who did go for this event - it is only fair to those guys. Me and others who did not get involved are not affected so I think it is fair that only those affected get a compensation of some kind. In the end we players all just want a game that works and that we can enjoy playing. We as players though do need to recognise that Maiden are in this to make money and to provide their fans with Maiden rich content that keeps them coming back for more - and that is all good with me as long as the game is entertaining and the content is up to snuff. At the moment for me I am not having many problems with the game - very few crashes or lost badges etc so at least for me on my iPhone things are pretty stable. I get the odd glitch here and there but to a large extent my play on this game is trouble free. If it weren't then I would need to cut back as I play for enjoyment (and mild addiction) and it is my only real game that I play so again, I just hope this all works out.

We must not forget that the band want to make money from things like this, as they do with all other branded merch (I have just spent money on getting early delivery of the new beer, 'Hallowed' and just bought two kegs of Trooper in my local Morrisons - the win there is for me and the band as we both get something for the £).

They are business and that is the bottom line on all of this. I do wonder though how the business end of this game is doing? How many users are there I wonder. Are they still getting new players in large numbers coming on? I hope they are or the game could be in trouble financially as I am not sure if NF do any other games at the moment? I think they depend on this game as a business but not sure on that. For many on here like me I am not really spending any real money on the game and have not for a while other than the odd ironite that I have collected and an occasional cheap deal in the store so I just hope that there are players out there who are spending or this free game will be in doubt for the rest of us. I kind of hope that the game is making enough to keep it alive for years to come and that Maiden do not want to make a fortune from it as I just do not think that they will - we are a pretty niche group of fans at the end of the day and I do wonder how many non-Maiden fans play this game.

Fingers crossed this all gets sorted out and that we can all turn a corner.

09-06-2017, 10:59 AM
And just so you spend more money, here's 5 japanese sluts to collect that have nothing to do with Iron Maiden.
plus the purple 4* one beats four 5* toons all alone..
Here's an idea for the next toon, a 2* pokemon that with basic skill can remove buffs from all opponents, apply heal block, 5 marks, stun and perfect corruption for a thousand rounds with 100% chance. Passive is perfect immunity, 90% damage reduction to team and cannot die for 20 first rounds and special skill is kill all opponents at once for 3 energy...

I'm not a member of NF, but i will tell you what are they going to do...ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!
The event will start with a delay or get swept under the carpet. some players will be left with a unique character,which never existed. some will be left with XYZ/200 fragments as a bitter memory of what they have missed. A new milking event will be rushed out to shut us up (trooper eddie?). and MAYBE everyone will get 75 ironite over some FB redeem code.
been there,done that!
Don't lie, you are a member of NF or a clairvoyant :p

09-06-2017, 12:15 PM
I just hope that there are players out there who are spending or this free game will be in doubt for the rest of us. I kind of hope that the game is making enough to keep it alive for years to come and that Maiden do not want to make a fortune from it as I just do not think that they will - we are a pretty niche group of fans at the end of the day and I do wonder how many non-Maiden fans play this game.

Fingers crossed this all gets sorted out and that we can all turn a corner.

See I do spend money on this game, and a pretty decent amount at that. I know other players who do as well. I've even submitted ideas for increasing income for them, because I don't want this game to go away.

Yeah the recent event was botched, but they'll reintroduce the event and those frags will still count towards the toon, I'm sure. My gripe is with the playability right now. I've been grinding out for months, doing the same thing - farming a level with a Trooper x 50 - and occasionally making my way into the arena. Farming LOL, powering up toons that I'll never use, farming BNW in hopes that I'll land another Echo talisman (even though they've been nerfed and suck now)... and my problem is, I can't justify spending real money on ironite just to do this over and over. I can't justify spending money on souls to get another bench toon. So the real money is not being spent and that's bad for the game, and bad for NF.

I don't mind supporting through real money at all. I just need a reason. That's what I want fixed. Give us a Sparton 1000, with skill shards at each tier - or Trooper Souls for Trooper Eddie - whatever. Just something that makes my grind actually go towards something, not just storing up runes and shards. Some reason to spend on ironite.

Eddies need to be looked at again (buffed), and Eddies need to be the focus of new toons. We need to get it back to Maiden around here. Then I'll spend that money.

09-06-2017, 12:21 PM
Don't lie, you are a member of NF or a clairvoyant :p

...the Prophet

09-06-2017, 08:42 PM
LOOOOL! i was so right! :D

150 ironite,relaunching in "FEW DAYS...bye bye

09-07-2017, 08:26 PM
LOOOOL! i was so right! :D

150 ironite,relaunching in "FEW DAYS...bye bye

You forgot to fly away captain! :D