View Full Version : How am i supposed to deal with those "dragon gods"

09-27-2017, 01:14 PM
Do I need the hentai sex dolls to weaken them or wut? Cuz my nomad dealt like, 2000 against the lvl 5 red dragon god...

Are there strats for each one? Cuz u see, im stuck at lvl 8 of life and dismay, and lvl 6 of fear...

Am i doing something wrong?

Also, my nomad is like, fully sharded and maxed out talisman wise.

My god these guys have either 7244 defense and MR or im just shit.

09-27-2017, 01:22 PM
True damage is only useful at dismay, use magic/physical damage in the two other dungeons!

09-27-2017, 01:24 PM
True damage is only useful at dismay, use magic/physical damage in the two other dungeons!

Oh... isnt that lovely... my team literally consists of rainmaker, nomad, red bat and ally general... imma go ahead and assume everyone knows what that means

Well i always have my 5 star soldier eddie... oh wait... i sac'ed him...

09-27-2017, 01:28 PM
Anyone care to explain lol


09-27-2017, 01:31 PM
Reading is different from viewing ;)

09-27-2017, 01:31 PM
Do I need the hentai sex dolls to weaken them or wut? Cuz my nomad dealt like, 2000 against the lvl 5 red dragon god...

Are there strats for each one? Cuz u see, im stuck at lvl 8 of life and dismay, and lvl 6 of fear...

Am i doing something wrong?

Also, my nomad is like, fully sharded and maxed out talisman wise.

My god these guys have either 7244 defense and MR or im just shit.

Well, i slayed garden of fear (the red dragon) x with a complete magus team. (Mystic Eddie, 2 Claivoyants and magus undead rescuer or blue valkyre should do the job. You have to go with class advantages.

Just like a multi hitter, true damage and preferrably gunners are ideal for garden of dismay. True damage is a must for him, as the purple dragon absorbs all other damage to very low numbers.
Also a pharaoh or gunner corrupt rescuer for reviving teammates are essential, too.

I'm still stuck at garden of life 10, but i don't have a gunner valkyre or a team of harpys to prevent the enemies quake talsimans to trigger. Yet "only" tried it 2-3 times. Assassin corrupt rescuer may come in handy, but i don't own one (anymore).

09-27-2017, 01:37 PM
Always bring 2 energy stealers and 1 guy for applying immunity! For dismay the Pharaoh is very very useful if you can apply his fury often (so one toon with guard and one with high special is recommended)

09-27-2017, 01:44 PM
Well, i slayed garden of fear (the red dragon) x with a complete magus team. (Mystic Eddie, 2 Claivoyants and magus undead rescuer or blue valkyre should do the job. You have to go with class advantages.

Just like a multi hitter, true damage and preferrably gunners are ideal for garden of dismay. True damage is a must for him, as the purple dragon absorbs all other damage to very low numbers.
Also a pharaoh or gunner corrupt rescuer for reviving teammates are essential, too.

I'm still stuck at garden of life 10, but i don't have a gunner valkyre or a team of harpys to prevent the enemies quake talsimans to trigger. Yet "only" tried it 2-3 times. Assassin corrupt rescuer may come in handy, but i don't own one (anymore).

Does nomad's advantage from using his raid ability count? Cuz i swear, i dont even care when it triggers, i dont see that big of a difference, also


This robot just killed my whole team in 1 shot... damn if only ally general had guard... his passive is literally the nomad's passive with def too...

09-27-2017, 02:05 PM
For this dungeon is very helpful if you can include in your team Golden Pharaoh dog and Gunner Dog.

09-27-2017, 03:12 PM
That's what happens when you stay away for too long and then come back to slay a god!
And yes sex dolls might help ;)