View Full Version : appeal to the duellant I community!

09-28-2017, 09:10 PM
i've seen numerous attackers now that are in my ranks (2500 points+), where i get a defense loss, but the enemy team is "just an eddie" or a "joke" team, that's easy to beat. It could be so EASILY to get the 500 yellow shards, yet nobody has the brains here! So let's give EVERY F*N ONE with points between 2600 and 2000 a chance and put some lowlevel defense teans in! You WON'T get below duellant 1 and you will NEVER reach warlord ranks!! (if you get in trouble, you could still change your defens) You will get attacked alot, but in revenge you get some easy teams and easy chances to get enough fragments. #beatthesystem

09-28-2017, 09:43 PM
I’ve got my Fatboys (Hellraisers) with an unshared “Eddie” on defense.

09-28-2017, 10:28 PM
My team is not a joke. It's a level 100 shaman eddie (do i need to equip talisman?) with 3 4* level 58 59 60 sacrificial hearts. Shaman Eddie's fury will be much stronger now there are 4 hearts and not just 1 right?

09-28-2017, 10:30 PM
You’re so right Satani! Have fun everybody with my 3 sandworms! But be careful, they are 4* hahaa

09-28-2017, 10:54 PM
Unfortunately some of guys over here are taking this game too serious and they will not do that.
I've got Viking and 3 deers to beat so enjoy :)
Btw I just won the battle with 3 pumpkins (MrFreeze I think) and got 50 yellow fragments. Nice for the last SoW used before bed time.

09-29-2017, 01:32 AM
Unfortunately some of guys over here are taking this game too serious and they will not do that.
I've got Viking and 3 deers to beat so enjoy :)
Btw I just won the battle with 3 pumpkins (MrFreeze I think) and got 50 yellow fragments. Nice for the last SoW used before bed time.

Nice! It might be my imagination, but I feel like I’m getting more of the gunner frags when I attack with the pumpkins. In fact, there’s no way that could make any sense.


09-29-2017, 01:58 AM
I've fought ~180 battles so far and have seen almost no easy defenses...

I mean, I'm still winning 96% of the fights but still.

Those 10 loses could have had skill shards or 50 Chopper Fragments lol.

09-29-2017, 07:04 AM
I changed my team to Tailgunner Eddie (unsharded and low level talismans) and 1 of each type of Pyro Soldier who are all still 4*. Pretty easily killed when I tested it. I've seen a few board members who have changed theirs including Satani which made things a little easier but at least 90% are still hoping to reach Warlord even though it won't happen....I'm still only half way to the Gunner but I'm gonna give up I think.

I also think players shouldnt get into trouble for changing their defense to easier teams when the devs have an event that only grants fragments from wins, if it was per battle only people wouldn't have that incentive. So who's to blame for that, not the players imo.

09-29-2017, 07:16 AM
chicken tactic :P will go as high as i can with the best defense i have, the best value comes out of frags and of ranks. if you focus on only frags you loose a lot, but well, yeah i take this serious, so what do i know :D

09-29-2017, 07:20 AM
chicken tactic :P will go as hight as i can with the best defense i have, the best value comes out of frags and of ranks. if you focus on only frags you loose a lot, but well, yeah i take this serious, so what do i know :D

I don't think you are considered a duellant I :p

09-29-2017, 08:31 AM
Just woke up seeing I got attacked 17 times over night losing ~200 pts in pvp. No problems, had far more attacks than defence and enough pts, BUT when checking defence list I saw 2 players (paulos/ jeff) attacking me each 5 times within 1 hour (and I’m sure they did more often, but only can see last 10 fights) WTF? Normaly this is impossible! But just what kris said...don’t have any words for that. Trying to help out other players with an easy defence and they exploit it by cheating the system and f...ing you! This game is really f...ed! Set my defence back, cause don’t want to go under 1.900 pts next 2 days. Very sorry to everybody, but thank those players who can’t get enough and making this game no more fun! :(((

09-29-2017, 09:08 AM
Switched my defense to a lone CR Eddie with no talismans right after reset this week. Feel sorry for those two who still lost against my defense, as there must have been bugs involved.

Even with 1,3 % hold rate I'm at 2600+ VP because of the frag hunt. I wish I had less so I'd get matched against easier opponents, but I'm happy to see some other people who've put up easy defenses for this week.

09-29-2017, 10:08 AM
Well, i've seen Jeff, too. (he had 4 pumpkins, right?)
Till the end i keep my Mystic and 3 spawns and Mystic and 3 deers Teams

09-29-2017, 11:19 AM
I've been running an unsharded Aces High Eddie and a team of Wickerdeer for a few days now. It seemed like the neighborly thing to do given the event.

09-29-2017, 11:53 AM
I've been running my level 1 Tailgunner (Dupe) along with 3 level 1 Demon Spawn to make it colorful. I didn't want to copy the Wickerdeer or Pumpkins team. Those teams are fun to see. Although many have switched back to their normal defense I'll keep mine until the end of the event. I've got another 160 frags to collect for the Gunner Chopper so it will be a busy 2 days. Hoping for some 50 frag drops any minute... :-)

09-29-2017, 12:15 PM
It’s fun to fight these teams with my pumpkins. The lv1 teams aren’t any challenge, but the few maxed Christmas and other weird teams are funny to fight. I gotta be careful though. I’ve forgotten to switch back a couple times. It’s no fun facing wrath and company with the gourds.

It’d be cool to have limited separate arenas for specific themes. Maybe a 3 day reset or something to speed it up. Im trying to stay positive about the game. They’ve done some really nice things lately, but for me it’s lacking variety. The pumpkins have been a nice change for me this week. I’ve gotten some good laughs out of PvP.

09-29-2017, 12:46 PM
Thought once again about it and placed 3 colorful demon spawns and eternity Eddie on defence (unsharded without talis oc). Looks quite cool imo :) This event should be all about fun and the best for everybody, so have fun when meeting my team \m/

09-29-2017, 12:53 PM
40 left to goal. Hopefully will get them before eod, but will keep my meathead team till the end of event.
F**k all nerds and rank points, this is just mobile phone game, have fun - don't take it too serious, at the end of the day, there are just pixels on the screen, nothing else.

09-29-2017, 01:48 PM
Have a question: if 3 different defense teams are set, which one is used when I am attacked? Is it random?

09-29-2017, 02:21 PM
Have a question: if 3 different defense teams are set, which one is used when I am attacked? Is it random?

I think is the last one you selected before leaving the screen.

09-29-2017, 08:03 PM
chicken tactic :P will go as high as i can with the best defense i have, the best value comes out of frags and of ranks. if you focus on only frags you loose a lot, but well, yeah i take this serious, so what do i know :D

The rich get richer while the poor stay poor…

40 left to goal. Hopefully will get them before eod, but will keep my meathead team till the end of event.
F**k all nerds and rank points, this is just mobile phone game, have fun - don't take it too serious, at the end of the day, there are just pixels on the screen, nothing else.


09-29-2017, 08:19 PM
I'm not that high up, but screw it maybe I'll make a Number of the Beast team. Wrath, RttH Eddie, Beelzebub, and the Prisoner. Only Wrath and Prisoner are sharded.

09-29-2017, 10:01 PM
I've been running an unsharded Aces High Eddie and a team of Wickerdeer for a few days now. It seemed like the neighborly thing to do given the event.

My guys just fought you...
They lost! HA!

09-29-2017, 10:11 PM
My guys just fought you...
They lost! HA!

This was one of my favorite teams: 3 different hellraisers, right!? Absolutely great! Thanks for that man! \m/

09-29-2017, 10:16 PM
This was one of my favorite teams: 3 different hellraisers, right!? Absolutely great! Thanks for that man! \m/
All in good fun!

09-30-2017, 03:04 AM
joining the pumpkin community, wipemout!.

09-30-2017, 04:02 AM
I have stayed around the 2600-2700 mark since changing my team so it hasn't cost me one bit. If only the non-board members who are duelists I could play along.... I guess they need to feel better about themselves by beating our shitty teams...

09-30-2017, 09:13 AM
I have stayed around the 2600-2700 mark since changing my team so it hasn't cost me one bit. If only the non-board members who are duelists I could play along.... I guess they need to feel better about themselves by beating our shitty teams...

Same here, always around 2.8k. Really cool that many from here participate on that. However ask myself if rewards are better on higher ranking. 5 reds drop here 95 %. Still 180 away from chopper after 170 wins, no yellow (or red) 50 :/

09-30-2017, 11:41 AM
Same here, always around 2.8k. Really cool that many from here participate on that. However ask myself if rewards are better on higher ranking. 5 reds drop here 95 %. Still 180 away from chopper after 170 wins, no yellow (or red) 50 :/

No, I don't think so. This time I am kind of Lucky, I am around 3000 all the time and I had already 4x 50 on the gunner and once on the warrior. So again it is just RNG

@alchemist: I thought the same thing most of those not on the board either don't get the point and believe us to be all a bunch of idiots or simply are happy to finally win something. Anyhow my coalgiver Eddie is still happy to finally be of use.