View Full Version : October Events!

09-30-2017, 07:57 PM
On the Facebook and Twitter pages, this picture was posted. October starts at reset times, so yay! (Also, whoever came up with the pun "Hallowed be Thy Game"... should they be promoted, or fired?)3818

09-30-2017, 08:04 PM
I'm rather interested on if we'll get more information on the events, I can guess that Corrupted Fragments will be the next LoL character event, but what about the others?? And being someone who adores puns of any and all types, I think the creator should get a promotion.

09-30-2017, 08:08 PM
I'm rather interested on if we'll get more information on the events, I can guess that Corrupted Fragments will be the next LoL character event, but what about the others?? And being someone who adores puns of any and all types, I think the creator should get a promotion.
I hope the fragment event is in LoL... although I do see the BNW boss in the backround. That scares me.

09-30-2017, 08:23 PM
I am excited for these all of them sound very cool. Can get the other pumpkins I am missing it sounds like too. Just hope to they work out some of the BNW and PVP issues too so events aren't a drag for some.

10-01-2017, 03:39 AM
Imguessing they aregonna do something similar to fear of the dark last year, random lvls in a random world. Those were fun though, atleast for me. But u see, im no critic, wait and ull see some faggit who thinks he knows alot and goes on rambling about how fear of the dark was the worst event so far...

10-01-2017, 03:55 AM
I do kind of like events but we are getting them every damn week, with each event being a grind. Rather than keep me interested I feel its going to push me away, especially when the events are held in parts of the game that are seriously bugged. Next event has me worried, corrupted meaning corrupt rescuer and/or corrupt droid? Assassin class fragment event perhaps? Picture of Dragon King...makes me think it might be BNW which is currently completely and utterly unplayable. Events are fine if game works as it should, pointless if is doesn't.

I wasn't around for last years Halloween event so that might be cool but after missing out on the chopper my motivation is seriously waning....

10-01-2017, 04:08 AM
I do kind of like events but we are getting them every damn week, with each event being a grind. Rather than keep me interested I feel its going to push me away, especially when the events are held in parts of the game that are seriously bugged. Next event has me worried, corrupted meaning corrupt rescuer and/or corrupt droid? Assassin class fragment event perhaps? Picture of Dragon King...makes me think it might be BNW which is currently completely and utterly unplayable. Events are fine if game works as it should, pointless if is doesn't.

I wasn't around for last years Halloween event so that might be cool but after missing out on the chopper my motivation is seriously waning....

You see, back in the days of "whatever the first company that made this game is called" we didnt have any events, all we had was our ability to grind, and the drop rates were so low, i cant even.

Atleast now we know we aregetting something fromthe grind...

Srsly though, if u wanna make an event, make another immortal soul event! That shit was so good! (For those who dunno, its basically gather shards to get this soul, it gives all of the 5* eddies!)