View Full Version : NF Please listen this time!

10-20-2017, 08:59 AM
Hi team,

i know it must be frustrating to read all the negatives after the long hours you are all putting into making this game a success, however i really think it is important that you do listen to us as well as we are all starting to loose it.

I also understand that some characters are OP but that is also the essence of the game and especially considering how difficult it is to get these toons and how costly it is to beef them up. We cannot accept such a drastic nerf on toons like VHE and Wrath considering how much time we spent chasing them and maxing them. VHE's fury is one of his major plus and while I would agree that a 10% nerf might be ok, a 30%+ nerf is clearly outrageous.

if you consider the arena, the top players all have him and he therefore does not make a difference anymore, it now just takes longer for a game that is already taking too much of our time... Same thing with Wrath, I personally do not use him in the arena but rely on him for fast farming and now playing my Troopers is even longer than before. Why make him an Eternal if regular 4* have more power...?

Please consider the amount of time and money that we have "invested" to get these characters and max them and ask yourself the question: is it fair? The answer is probably that it isn't....

Basically we are all afraid of doing anything to characters now as one month they are great then the following month they are below average.

Also what is going with support, on 3 occasions during the pumpkin events I have had tier 6 loot and vortex loot shown but not added to my inventory, i sent screenshots and descriptions and still no response one was last sunday and the other was on tuesday...?

I also understand Sparton's comment re Eddies which will be released less regularly in favour of allies as they are also key to the game but keep in mind we are all Maiden Fans, not gamers... The addition of endless allies only does one thing for most of us: it makes Legendary Souls less valuable... Maybe an Eddie Soul should be added or something to make them worth it in the eyes of the players not the company behind the game....

It is a shame that so many of us are leaving and I must admit that had I not spent so much money I would have also given up by now...

As I said in one of my previous post, we were all waiting for Trooper Eddie, he still isn't there and worst of all he will not even be guaranteed and we will end up again with a bunch of allies which will get nerfed over time... Again this is not how to make your customer base happy...

I really hope you will all start listening and make the necessary adjustments to keep us interested... I fear for the future...

Thanks for reading!

10-20-2017, 10:18 AM
Yep. Buff a character, then nerf it a few months later. Or in the case of CG, nerf him to death, then slowly return him to what he was. I’ve been saying all along that the tuning is a joke. It’s not needed nearly as much as the devs seem to think. Whoever does all the character tuning should learn how to fix the bugs instead. It would be a more productive use of their time.

Enjoy your vacation Patrice!

10-20-2017, 12:28 PM
I do not know how about VHE eddie, especially about the "top" players who take it (I do not care, because for me VHE is helpless and fights with a bang), but about Wraith it's really weird. It is clear if the ula is so-so, but it is so powerful to cut its basic abilities, making it a support / tank in pvp with zero damage ... sad. At least equalize the damage to the ult and ability.

10-20-2017, 01:59 PM
Basically we are all afraid of doing anything to characters now as one month they are great then the following month they are below average.

This is a big problem. Barely any character that I have put skill shards on has ever escaped being nerfed until they are no longer useful - the exceptions (of a kind) being that Prisoner and CG were neutered before I pulled them and consequently they're un-sharded.

A secondary problem seems to be that the developers insist on limiting our game-play preferences by imposing store limits. So it doesn't matter if you are literally pumping money into the game and helping to keep it going - you're still restricted in what you can do. I dont think that sits well with people. Developers don't want us hoarding resources, but it makes absolute common sense to hoard in times of uncertainty. And these are times of uncertainty: everything gets adjusted on an almost monthly basis.

10-20-2017, 02:50 PM
I don't have either of these characters, but we should be allowed to remove some, if not all, applied Skill Shards from toons that are nerfed until they are properly "balanced" as NF claims.

10-20-2017, 03:42 PM
Patrice you hit the nail on the head. Playing troopers while farming is taking forever now. Wrath a once farming beast is completely neutered and useless. I can see taking his power move down a bit but this is beyond the pale.

Arena battles are taking 2-3 times longer than before too. I need some time to experiment, but I’m hating this and don’t even feel like playing anymore.

Dank Brew
10-20-2017, 04:21 PM
Thank you Patrice, really good post. Everything is 100% true.

Like you said, everyone fears using skill shards... Very true. I just got angry and sharded a gunner dog... Why? Well for one, I have none of the strong Eddies. I have a maxed grim reaper, and that's fine. He is just as strong as VHE now (AND HE WAS FREE).

I figured that since gunner dog sucks, maybe hell get a buff and be OP one day. If not, at least he's useful in BNW. And plus, they don't intend to release any new eddies soon. But tons of new characters, which means LESS OF A CHANCE AT GETTING EDDIES.


I was excited for the event at first, I don't have a shaman eddie. Then I realized, there is still about a 1% chance to summon him. That's sad as fuck. Why play anymore?

10-20-2017, 05:47 PM

Fully agree!

Dank Brew
10-20-2017, 08:29 PM
Hilarious right? They don't even care to respond. We might as well quit.

10-21-2017, 01:01 AM
I can't imagine why they wouldn't listen to people. All everyone does here is complain. This guy is OP, this guy got nerfed oh no. I don't know why people keep playing if its as bad as you say it is. At the end of the day its a F2P game what do you want. I think they have done a lot with this game this past year, is everything perfect no of course not but its no where near as bad as some people complain about.

I just got a wrath this week after 8 eternity souls and I have a fully sharded VHE and I am ok with both being balanced. These two were just overkill anymore and was evidenced by every single top person in arena using them because they were the best. I could go into how the balancing made sense in a lot of aspects but feels its already been talked to death here. I understand I am not the level of gamer that some of the top guys around here so I am sure they have a much better opinion on it then me but I really think this is one time a lot of the updates are fine and a far cry from the "end of the world" a lot of people are making this out to be.

Even after the nerf the only Eddie I worry about going against is VHE and he is still the one I am going to use on my team he is that good. Wrath if there is a fit for him I will find a way.

I don't know why people are worried about skill shards now they are more abundant then ever. When this game first started they were beyond rare now there is mulitple ways to get them and with "the trooper store limit" You can still get as many as you ever could within in a month because of the arena store and being bale to buy them with gold.

10-21-2017, 02:33 PM
Patrice m8, why do you still bother? You are here for more than a year, did they ever listen to their players? No, they just do whatever they want and most of the times they are wrong.
It's pretty simple.

10-22-2017, 10:09 PM
No toon will get nerf If bad players stop asking for it those cry babies who don’t accept a defeat -defenses should have an advantage like 100% accuracy I still noticed players asking to nerf the purple Valkyrie after that one what toon is on the list? We are going to end up with a bunch of mediocre toons there is not need to chase them any toon will do the job I hope NF will stop listening to those guys and restore those nerf toons just like they did to Corrupt General just give him more magic or the ability to remove one beneficial effect give more HP, MR, DEF to Rain maker - bring back Visions to his glory BUFF the toons and then we will see variety in the Arena is not going to be just VHE anymore- just how many players will use the combo of Visions- Corrupt General or a heavy hitter team Rainmaker- Nomad- AF- DM, let’s be real the only chance for your defense to win is going first -everyone has Mummy Eddie buff him as well all the defenses that have a Mummy are just easy to defeat I wish for an Arena full many powerful toons I don’t need a 98% 100% win rate that is bad for any video game it needs to be a challenge I’ll be fine with 50% win rate
NF is your game and you will do whatever you want with it this is just my opinion I just wish you the best guys .

10-22-2017, 10:46 PM
I'll agree for the most part on not nerfing all the toons. But, purple Valkyrie power move should cost at least 7 to put her more in line with other toons, plus reduce her damage. NF knows it's a joke to have that move do good damage plus all the nasty status effects. They don't want balance, just people chasing the current meta.

10-22-2017, 11:44 PM
I'll agree for the most part on not nerfing all the toons. But, purple Valkyrie power move should cost at least 7 to put her more in line with other toons, plus reduce her damage. NF knows it's a joke to have that move do good damage plus all the nasty status effects. They don't want balance, just people chasing the current meta.

With all the mediocre characters that we have now that’s a good advantage and that’s how nerf toons starts power moves should cost more- less damage- it removes too many effects- it stuns every time- etc I don’t have the purple Valkyrie and I don’t need one that will not stop any good player from taking the top

10-23-2017, 03:12 AM
With all the mediocre characters that we have now that’s a good advantage and that’s how nerf toons starts power moves should cost more- less damage- it removes too many effects- it stuns every time- etc I don’t have the purple Valkyrie and I don’t need one that will not stop any good player from taking the top

I don't have her either, and if I did I'd still want her balanced. Wrath was supposed to be multi-target damager, that's his description but now he's basically just a support toon. Just sick of seeing the same toons in PvP, and especially having toons that have no real connection to iron maiden be the top tier toons. There's plenty of games based on hentai characters, so don't see a need for them to try and move the game in that direction. NF doesn't have the talent to compete in that market.

10-23-2017, 12:10 PM
No toon will get nerf If bad players stop asking for it those cry babies who don’t accept a defeat -defenses should have an advantage like 100% accuracy I still noticed players asking to nerf the purple Valkyrie after that one what toon is on the list? We are going to end up with a bunch of mediocre toons there is not need to chase them any toon will do the job I hope NF will stop listening to those guys and restore those nerf toons just like they did to Corrupt General just give him more magic or the ability to remove one beneficial effect give more HP, MR, DEF to Rain maker - bring back Visions to his glory BUFF the toons and then we will see variety in the Arena is not going to be just VHE anymore- just how many players will use the combo of Visions- Corrupt General or a heavy hitter team Rainmaker- Nomad- AF- DM, let’s be real the only chance for your defense to win is going first -everyone has Mummy Eddie buff him as well all the defenses that have a Mummy are just easy to defeat I wish for an Arena full many powerful toons I don’t need a 98% 100% win rate that is bad for any video game it needs to be a challenge I’ll be fine with 50% win rate
NF is your game and you will do whatever you want with it this is just my opinion I just wish you the best guys .

I agree with your post but the problem was caused by NF and not by the players.
The fact that players(including me) ask for the purple beast to be nerfed is because NF nerfed every available character in the game without a reason. Now we got a toon than can solo a team and all the rest are crap in front of this one. NF created the problem, if we had 100 good toons no one would care. And i really don't have a problem beating her 95% of the times.
I said it many times before, stop nerfing toons, instead buff the weak ones but NF just keeps nerfing every usable character. Also add rng that prevents many people from obtaining certain chars and the result is people start compaining.
The only nerf that made sense back when it happened was Wraths removing buffs 100%. Still with all the toons out there now even that wasn't necessary.
NF will keep nerfing toons, they don't care what players say, it's their strategy, buff certain toons for a small period, make people spend resources on them, then nerf them to oblivion so that people can spend on new toons.

10-23-2017, 06:35 PM
I agree with your post but the problem was caused by NF and not by the players.
The fact that players(including me) ask for the purple beast to be nerfed is because NF nerfed every available character in the game without a reason. Now we got a toon than can solo a team and all the rest are crap in front of this one. NF created the problem, if we had 100 good toons no one would care. And i really don't have a problem beating her 95% of the times.
I said it many times before, stop nerfing toons, instead buff the weak ones but NF just keeps nerfing every usable character. Also add rng that prevents many people from obtaining certain chars and the result is people start compaining.
The only nerf that made sense back when it happened was Wraths removing buffs 100%. Still with all the toons out there now even that wasn't necessary.
NF will keep nerfing toons, they don't care what players say, it's their strategy, buff certain toons for a small period, make people spend resources on them, then nerf them to oblivion so that people can spend on new toons.

I think you are on the money with the buff then nerf formula. It's a money thing. We see it over and over again. I feel like I'm wasting my time even bringing it up to NF anymore, because it won't matter what we say about it.

Ancient Mariner
10-23-2017, 07:08 PM
I don't know why people are worried about skill shards now they are more abundant then ever. When this game first started they were beyond rare now there is mulitple ways to get them and with "the trooper store limit" You can still get as many as you ever could within in a month because of the arena store and being bale to buy them with gold.

Because most of people just want the easy way, mate (otherwise why would so many players spend money to buy things you can get for free in the game?)
While i think the fun is just to earn what you need without shortcuts

p.s.:anyway i agree with your entire post