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View Full Version : Strange Alchemy Event - Featuring Mystic Eddie + The DEBUT Alchemist!

11-09-2017, 12:01 AM
The transcendent Magus has arrived: fuel the Vortex to claim fragments of the soul which contains The Alchemist!

Inspired by the song The Alchemist and the Dr. Dee the song itself is inspired by, The Alchemist is a new 5 star Magus in Legacy of the Beast. He is a true damage attacker who can inflict Doom on multiple enemies, Transform negative effects on allies, and grant all allies Soul Protect, which automatically Ghosts characters instead of letting them die.

From now until November 15th, 4 PM PT, there’s a new Summoner’s Soul whose highlight characters are steeped in the occult. This soul guarantees a 3 to 5 star character of any class, in addition to an increased chance of these highlight characters:

Mystic Eddie (5 star Magus): A single target negative effect caster which can inflict Freeze and Doom on enemies, but also bolster allies with Ascension and Immortality.
The Alchemist (5 star Magus) NEW!: A true damage attacker which can Doom enemies, Transform negative effects on allies, and protect allies with the Ghost-providing Soul Protect.

This new Summoner’s Soul is available for Ironite from the store for the duration of the event, but you’re also guaranteed 5 Summoner’s Souls from every Vortex you do during this event, in addition to normal Vortex rewards!

The Alchemist is no normal Magus, though, and those who curry his favour with the Sacrificial Altar will be guaranteed to earn him eventually!

Every time you achieve a Vortex, you’ll also earn 15, 20 or 25 Alchemist Soul Fragments (in addition to normal Vortex rewards). Earn 150 Fragments to claim an Alchemist Soul, which guarantees the 5 star Alchemist!

This change is a permanent addition to the Sacrifice feature, so even if you don’t get The Alchemist from the Strange Alchemy event, you can continue to work towards him by sacrificing unwanted characters!

Important: The Alchemist is not available from any soul other than the Summoner’s Soul and the Alchemist Soul. Please be aware that, once the Summoner’s Soul is no longer available from the store, the only way to earn The Alchemist is collecting fragments of his soul from Sacrifice Vortexes.

The Alchemist debuts in the Legacy of the Beast today! Check out The Alchemist’s key information below:


Strange Alchemy (Fury)
Deals true damage to a single target.
Grants Soul Protect to all allies for the remainder of the battle. If allies die with Soul Protect, they will gain Ghost status and remain alive for 3 turns after death or until inflicted with Permadeath.
LV 2/3 DMG+ 25/25%

Transmutation (Basic)
Deals true damage to a single target.
35% Chance to Transform negative effects on allies to positive.
Damage dealt increases the lower your CURRENT HP.
LV 2/3/4/5 DMG+ 10/15/20/25%

Last Rites (Power)
Deals a portion of the enemy's MAX HP as true damage to all enemies.
Heals all allies for 25% of their MAX HP.
25% Chance to inflict Doom on all enemies for 3 turns.
LV 2/4 DMG+ 15/25%
LV 3/5 Healing+ 15/25%


3 Open / 3 Assassin

11-09-2017, 12:06 AM
Awesome. You had me at "occult."

I'm extremely happy that you based The Alchemist on John Dee (just like the song), rather than having him be a generic figure.

11-09-2017, 12:07 AM
From now til Nov. 8th???

11-09-2017, 12:09 AM
From now til Nov. 8th???

lol, Sorry, November 15th. Updated the forum post accordingly.

11-09-2017, 12:28 AM
Rofl. 6 summoner souls. All 3 stars. I’m an idiot to keep trying for these things. Lol. Tho, looks like a fun event if you’re willing to spend money or sacrifice good toons.

11-09-2017, 12:32 AM
And people will continue to think how good or bad a event is based on their personal luck.

11-09-2017, 12:36 AM
16 summoner souls and I got a fucking red pyro soldier!! Thanks again NF!!!

11-09-2017, 12:46 AM
14 souls here, for the higher character 4* angel of pain, blue

these guys coming from this soul at least should be more valuable for sacrifice

11-09-2017, 12:53 AM
Well I sacrificed all those common souls I had, rounded up 7 rare souls, one of which yielded a warrior Hellraiser. I sacrificed the rest of the dupe 3 star toons and filled the ring full. Got 25 of those new fragments, and a little bit of everything. The event souls were all 3 star dupes of course. But I did get a Gunner Priestess from 5 GA souls. I hear she's a decent fighter. 2 legendary souls gave me a red troll and a green Hellraiser. Pretty cool in my opinion.

I love that the fragments are permanent. Although it'll still take forever to get him, at least he's guaranteed.... eventually. But he sounds like a total boss nevertheless.

11-09-2017, 12:59 AM
I see this as kind of a sub-par event if your looking for a lot of things but its a great way to introduce a permanent feature. Again, if you realize the purpose of an event and not try to drop everything for 1 character you get to enjoy this game a lot more.

11-09-2017, 01:13 AM
So I found something interesting...

In the Underworld story, The Beast mentions the Clairvoyant's brother, named "John Dee". Sparton said that said The Alchemist was based on "Dr. Dee"; Dr. Dee being actual dude in the 16th Century, he was a profound mathematician and studier of alchemy and magic. His full name? John Dee. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Dee

(NF nailed the design, in terms of likeness to Dr. Dee)

TL;DR: It's the Clairvoyant's brother.

11-09-2017, 01:32 AM
Had enough ironite to purchase 30 summoners souls and right out the gate, landed the Alchemist, along with a Mystic, Fear of the Dark Eddie along with a ton of dupes. VHE still alludes me though. Anyway, I added him as my champ if any of my troopers want to test drive. Not sure what tali's to load him with yet.

11-09-2017, 01:36 AM
Had enough ironite to purchase 30 summoners souls and right out the gate, landed the Alchemist, along with a Mystic, Fear of the Dark Eddie along with a ton of dupes. VHE still alludes me though. Anyway, I added him as my champ if any of my troopers want to test drive. Not sure what tali's to load him with yet.

Shoot! I may have just played your old trooper. Would you mind if I deleted and re-added you so that I could test him out?

11-09-2017, 01:39 AM
Shoot! I may have just played your old trooper. Would you mind if I deleted and re-added you so that I could test him out?

No problem my friend!! I'm sure you will give me a few pointers on how to dress him :D. Thankfully I saved enough skill shards to max him out.

11-09-2017, 02:19 AM
No problem my friend!! I'm sure you will give me a few pointers on how to dress him :D. Thankfully I saved enough skill shards to max him out.

Alright so I just gave him a test run on A Matter of Life and Death, Madness difficulty.

First thing, his power says it has a 25% chance to Doom ALL enemies, yet I've only seen one enemy be Doomed the whole time. His basic seems to be the same way, it transfers some of the negative effects into positive effects but having something like that on a basic is still pretty cool.

His Fury looks pretty awesome but doesn't do that much damage. In fact, none of his attacks hit 9k, even if it's against a warrior opponent. So The Alchemist is more of a utility fighter, than a powerhouse.

Since his basic hits one opponent once, I don't see much room for talismans that usually proc more from aoe attackers, I recommend using Fate Talismans on him to boost his damage and also add longevity. And also maybe Guard Shields to add toward his Fury. Obviously his Fury is his best aspect with that new effect it has.

All in all, he seems like a great character, I just wish he did a bit more damage.

11-09-2017, 02:22 AM
If those clowns would fix the game instead of starting one useless event after the other, everyone would be happier.

I've lost complete respect for NF, not fixing the bugs for me means not respecting the players, so no respect from me too.

11-09-2017, 02:32 AM
In the Underworld story, The Beast mentions the Clairvoyant's brother, named "John Dee". Sparton said that said The Alchemist was based on "Dr. Dee"; Dr. Dee being actual dude in the 16th Century, he was a profound mathematician and studier of alchemy and magic. His full name? John Dee. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Dee

(NF nailed the design, in terms of likeness to Dr. Dee)

Exactly, the historical John Dee is an interesting figure, particularly if you approach him and his writings with an open mind.

"The Alchemist" on Final Frontier tells some of his story. And several other Maiden songs (e.g., Moonchild and others from Seventh Son) probably wouldn't exist without Dee's influence.

11-09-2017, 02:37 AM
24 Souls, only 3*s I'm a sad, and now, poor panda!!!!

No regrets tho, RNG is RNG, Glad people are getting him, I'm a returning player, This is my first event invoving souls and ironite, which I was saving to buy talisman's xp packs, but WTH when all in, just for the lol's so far nothing I will try and get only one more soul from the store, for a total of 25 tries, so far only 3*s, not mad tho, I do know how RNG works, and everysingle soul have a chance do be the one with good chars in it, but every soul have it's own chance, so no matter if I buy 25 or 250 the odds on each soul alone is equal, the only diference is that you have 250 chance of getting comething good, instead of 25.

For this type of events I play the game for what it is. And since this is a timed event, why the hell not try a few times, the Ironite comes back in due time. The souls just last for some days.

So far bought only the starter pack to support the devs. (I do this with every game I play that I think I have the return in fun hours playing, and so far I'm playing this game a lot more then I expected, and having a great time.)

Cheers!!! Ed.

11-09-2017, 02:39 AM
If those clowns would fix the game instead of starting one useless event after the other, everyone would be happier.

I've lost complete respect for NF, not fixing the bugs for me means not respecting the players, so no respect from me too.

I have to agree with this statement. If NF used a quarter of the effort they put into char/event thinking and design we probably could have a flawless game. No crashes and everything works as it should. Beginning to think their code is written by RNG and that’s why they can’t fix anything. Since I haven’t even bothered trying for this guy this statement is not based on personal luck.

11-09-2017, 03:07 AM
I don't understand why everyone is wasting ironite on this event. Everyone will get the Alchemist eventually from the shards... Beside event souls are the worst way to spend ironite.

11-09-2017, 03:16 AM
I'm only 1/4 of the way to a vortex so seems unlikely I'll complete a vortex during the event but I'm happy to slowly grind for it. Might plunge and buy a summoner soul or 3 but not going to go crazy trying to get my namesake asap either.

Edit - bought 3 summoner souls for wickerdog king, wickerdog queen and rtth eddie. Ok event over lol

11-09-2017, 04:27 AM
Good mornin' gals & guys :)

Well... No Mystic Eddie I once had, yet sacrified, no featured character - yet I am quite pleased of spending 500 ironities... Only 80 left so now back to farming ''Powerslave'' to cut the costs LOL... Gunners' Night I tell you! I don't know why is that happening but I seem to attract all the gunners (besides HIM - #6, and some Spitfire Pilot), quite opposite to assassins, though...

Bought only 5 souls - 2x Speed Of Light Eddie, 2x 3* ''invaders'' and Gunner Hellraiser! (no dupe!)... I very much like the guy since tried the one GotN has...

A while later - another achievement done and another Legendary Soul to open... At first not wished to find out if there will be another Magus COTD this evening... LOL I guess this would be just too much, even for NF standards and I was gratefully spared of having another blue kid... What popped out then, you may ask? Another Gunner LOL - Hentai chick - Eda! Again (no dupe!)



11-09-2017, 05:34 AM
LOLLL First 4 souls bought from store gave me this .... Thanks NF :)

11-09-2017, 08:10 AM
I just bought a 3-pack and got lucky for once! New guy + new Eddie :)

11-09-2017, 09:34 AM
Wow, congrats guys!

11-09-2017, 10:13 AM
buy a 10 pack and open 4 : 3 X 3* dupes and one 4* green Hellraiser dupe and use all my sacrifice characters during last shit event :(

11-09-2017, 10:19 AM
First account: 10pack. Got him. Nice, as i was starting to think, this account seemed cursed, as this was the only account, where the hallowed event dropped nothing worthy.
Second account: 10pack. only 4*. I'm ok not having him here. His final stats look promising, but only the ghost-effect of his finisher looks interesting, yet not able to replace my sentinel priestess here.
Third account: 20pack. only ONE 4*. Again bad luck.

As seen on my trooper list, he drops very frequently though. His animations are cool. If he is able to replace any sentinel/assassin valkyre or magus UR i doubt, but new characters are always welcome.

11-09-2017, 10:39 AM
Warning to everybody who has The Alchemist: His Fury move is completely broken. I don't have him yet but one of my troopers does, so I gave him a try this morning and his Fury move instantly ghosted my VHE. When progressing to the next round, he just dropped dead, so I lost the game without ever being hit.

11-09-2017, 10:47 AM
i seem to get the wrong event souls or move in the wrong timeline. Summoned 3 Mayan Priestesses today. 2 Warrior and 1 Gunner, haha

11-09-2017, 11:04 AM
buy a 10 pack and open 4 : 3 X 3* dupes and one 4* green Hellraiser dupe and use all my sacrifice characters during last shit event :(

10 more buying and: all 3* shit dupes and 1 useless 4* Green bad dupe pff
last event no new characters and that one seems to be the same with buying or winning souls :(

11-09-2017, 11:26 AM
10 more buying and: all 3* shit dupes and 1 useless 4* Green bad dupe pff
last event no new characters and that one seems to be the same with buying or winning souls :(

Blade :)

Well... I have different approach - I buy small parts (even when I saved and can afford for LOT)... Usually buying 5 souls or 2x3 as some ''test drive''... If it HAPPEN that I pull something good, I could buy even more... When not - NOT buying any single soul more... Not worth :)

This is good tactics - better to loose some of your gathered supplies, than everything... Unless you CAN control yourself a bit...



11-09-2017, 11:39 AM
Blade :)

Well... I have different approach - I buy small parts (even when I saved and can afford for LOT)... Usually buying 5 souls or 2x3 as some ''test drive''... If it HAPPEN that I pull something good, I could buy even more... When not - NOT buying any single soul more... Not worth :)

This is good tactics - better to loose some of your gathered supplies, than everything... Unless you CAN control yourself a bit...


you have better loot with 5X 1 souls than 1X 10 souls?
With 1 Pack of 10 i have generally 8 shit 3* and 2X 4* dupes

11-09-2017, 01:52 PM
That's the title of this event for me, as it was for the latest events for some new characters.... I think that the account is haunted by something that scares away ALL the new toons!!

That said, after opening 7 summoner souls from the store & 5 after a vortex fill... got nothing. Really nothing. Just the same Magus harpies, Gunner Dogs, Sentinel Allied Soldiers, Warrior Golden Sons or Magus Allied Soldier.. the same dupes which can be get from the regular or rare souls.

Also, the 2 legendary souls from the votex turned out to be a Sentinel Pyro and a Wickerman!! Yes, the same chars which can be get after the frag events, just a few day ago, in case of the latter... that's silly.

And they added a lot of new chars lately..... I don't get it.

Ah, I forgot to mention about the Visions Dupe, Rainmaker Dupe, AoF Dupe, Magus Rescuer Dupe and some other Dupes I forgot, which I've got today after a few sacrifices.

I don't know if I should I stay or should I go?! :)

11-09-2017, 02:18 PM
4 star and higher dupes are good! They make up some essence when sacrificed so you can get more souls :)

11-09-2017, 02:22 PM
4 star and higher dupes are good! They make up some essence when sacrificed so you can get more souls :)You're right, I know, that's how I manage to do today a vortex fill, after a lot of sacrifices and opening many different souls. But, in the end, I was left without any new toons... :(

11-09-2017, 02:35 PM
You're right, I know, that's how I manage to do today a vortex fill, after a lot of sacrifices and opening many different souls. But, in the end, I was left without any new toons... :(

+1 that is the problem with sacrifice for high end player it don't worth the price dupe dupe dupe :rolleyes:

11-09-2017, 03:13 PM
14 Summoner souls... 4* Gunner COTD, the rest 3* usuals... MEH...

11-09-2017, 03:25 PM
14 Summoner souls... 4* Gunner COTD, the rest 3* usuals... MEH...

welcome in the shit loot club :cool:

11-09-2017, 03:43 PM
you have better loot with 5X 1 souls than 1X 10 souls?
With 1 Pack of 10 i have generally 8 shit 3* and 2X 4* dupes

Blade :)

From my own experience - yes... While lasted ''Ritual Souls'' thing only 3 of them gave me Shaman Eddie - and that's just one of recent examples...
You have to keeping in mind that this is RNG - your odds not getting any higher when opening more and more souls... If it worked like that (in the beginning I actually believed that everything works that way) it would be easy thing to achieve great toons - need to accumulate fair enough souls - let's say 200-300 and voila - you have everything possible... No, it's not working like that... When I realized that fact and what it means in practice - I stopped hoarding souls - open them as soon as I get them...

With 10 packs I have none but bad results and memories - lot of them turned to be real crap - with no single one 4* character (not to mention of 5*)...

Besides... Look at the whole thing from the perspective - what you MIGHT get (no guaranteed in any means) and how much you gonna pay...
Let's assume for a while that we are getting none but crap... It's better for mental health not to rise the expectations far too much and then get even bigger dissapointments...
So... While getting crap (in 99,999%, I believe that odds of pulling something great just like that being like 000,1%) it's wiser to pay less and save your funds for the future tries and pulling crap ;)



11-09-2017, 03:58 PM

Sorry to come here and ruin your event thread, but no one from support or devs had adressed the issue. It seems like a lot of us are short in missions, we have only 2 left and our counter says 193/200. And there's the players who already got him with 2 missions left to complete, putting them at 202/200. This same issue happened with the Golden PD

Is NF aware of this issue?
When can we expect a fix?
How many missions should we have, 200 or 202?



11-09-2017, 04:34 PM
Blade :)

From my own experience - yes... While lasted ''Ritual Souls'' thing only 3 of them gave me Shaman Eddie - and that's just one of recent examples...
You have to keeping in mind that this is RNG - your odds not getting any higher when opening more and more souls... If it worked like that (in the beginning I actually believed that everything works that way) it would be easy thing to achieve great toons - need to accumulate fair enough souls - let's say 200-300 and voila - you have everything possible... No, it's not working like that... When I realized that fact and what it means in practice - I stopped hoarding souls - open them as soon as I get them...

With 10 packs I have none but bad results and memories - lot of them turned to be real crap - with no single one 4* character (not to mention of 5*)...

Besides... Look at the whole thing from the perspective - what you MIGHT get (no guaranteed in any means) and how much you gonna pay...
Let's assume for a while that we are getting none but crap... It's better for mental health not to rise the expectations far too much and then get even bigger dissapointments...
So... While getting crap (in 99,999%, I believe that odds of pulling something great just like that being like 000,1%) it's wiser to pay less and save your funds for the future tries and pulling crap ;)


Wi will buy only one by one and not at the same time to test...

11-09-2017, 04:42 PM
welcome in the shit loot club :cool:

LOL! Been in the club for a while! :D

11-09-2017, 04:43 PM
Blade :)

From my own experience - yes... While lasted ''Ritual Souls'' thing only 3 of them gave me Shaman Eddie - and that's just one of recent examples...
You have to keeping in mind that this is RNG - your odds not getting any higher when opening more and more souls... If it worked like that (in the beginning I actually believed that everything works that way) it would be easy thing to achieve great toons - need to accumulate fair enough souls - let's say 200-300 and voila - you have everything possible... No, it's not working like that... When I realized that fact and what it means in practice - I stopped hoarding souls - open them as soon as I get them...

With 10 packs I have none but bad results and memories - lot of them turned to be real crap - with no single one 4* character (not to mention of 5*)...

Besides... Look at the whole thing from the perspective - what you MIGHT get (no guaranteed in any means) and how much you gonna pay...
Let's assume for a while that we are getting none but crap... It's better for mental health not to rise the expectations far too much and then get even bigger dissapointments...
So... While getting crap (in 99,999%, I believe that odds of pulling something great just like that being like 000,1%) it's wiser to pay less and save your funds for the future tries and pulling crap ;)



So you're saying hoarding souls is not the way to go?

11-09-2017, 05:07 PM
So you're saying hoarding souls is not the way to go?

Can absolutely confirm that. Have hoarded dozens of legendary and hundreds of rare souls and results wasn’t getting any better. Have the same bad experiences with 10 packs of event souls- only garbage coming out (and did it again D‘OH!). What Wit said is a really good pov. Will heed it in the future ;)

Dank Brew
11-09-2017, 05:36 PM
All in all, cool addition. My issue is that I got a vortex on Tuesday night, a disappointing one at that. Got 6 skill shards (which is cool and all), and 5 G/A. That's it. Every other vortex I had was a lot more than that. The last one I got 2 legendary, 5 G/A and 4 skill shards.
It will be another 2-3 weeks before I get another vortex fill, meaning it could be 6 months before I get this guy.

I bought 10 summoner souls, all 3* dupes with one 4* AoF dupe also...
I really shouldn't waste my ironite and other resources on these event souls, it never works for me.

It was mentioned already here, but I will repeat myself every single event until it is not necessary.
Please fix the game. Thanks

Check it out, I asked nicely.

11-09-2017, 06:17 PM
one soul bought and ... 3* shit, we ll see tomorrow ^^

Dank Brew
11-09-2017, 06:33 PM

Sorry to come here and ruin your event thread, but no one from support or devs had adressed the issue. It seems like a lot of us are short in missions, we have only 2 left and our counter says 193/200. And there's the players who already got him with 2 missions left to complete, putting them at 202/200. This same issue happened with the Golden PD

Is NF aware of this issue?
When can we expect a fix?
How many missions should we have, 200 or 202?



<Sparton mode on>

Please stick to the subject of the thread. Unrelated posts will be deleted. We do not intend to fix any issues, our main concern is events and new releases. This is what brings our income level up, temporarily of course... Until the game crashes completely and we no longer have a job. Then and only THEN issues could be addressed, when it's too late.

<Sparton mode off>

11-09-2017, 09:44 PM
So you're saying hoarding souls is not the way to go?

Rene :)

Sure thing, my friend... Obviously I am getting dupes and unwanted things as well to be honest - but the system WORKS - once better, other time little worse, yet overall I am pleased...



11-09-2017, 11:06 PM
So, a question, maybe asked all ready, but where are my Alchemist Soul Fragments? I did tons of sacrificing and from 2 to 7, I have got my circle filled up nicely, but no fragments?

11-09-2017, 11:53 PM
So the should did not give me The Alchemist but I like the format of Vortex rewards which means we will all end up getting him ;-) However it gave me my last missing Eddie Mr. Hallowed Eddie...

Looking forward to the Trooper Soul!

11-10-2017, 01:06 AM
So, a question, maybe asked all ready, but where are my Alchemist Soul Fragments? I did tons of sacrificing and from 2 to 7, I have got my circle filled up nicely, but no fragments?

Berry :)

Point is that game guarantees you nothing, unless specified differently loud and clear (character fragments stuff for example)... Here's the same pattern for all so called ''events'' - like it was with ''Hallowed Eddie''... You do sacrifices for a ''chance'' of getting specific souls, while you be ''lucky'' and will get them indeed, then again you have a ''chance'' to get a specified character you wish from these souls... That's how it looks like... So you may sacrifice almost every toons what you having (like some people already did) and don't receive ANY souls, or the character(s) you're after... That's RNG... You may loose everything for nothing... Like at the casino...

The only one sure way of getting those souls is to buy them (and the devs VERY MUCH counting on that) but even then nobody guarantees you nothing, like I already said...



11-10-2017, 01:23 AM
Deevs, where are you? Wake Up!

Your servers seem to not working again... Is that the part of the event as well?


11-10-2017, 01:27 AM
Deevs, where are you? Wake Up!

Your servers seem to not working again... Is that the part of the event as well?


Same issue...can’t log in at all...

11-10-2017, 01:29 AM
<Sparton mode on>

Please stick to the subject of the thread. Unrelated posts will be deleted. We do not intend to fix any issues, our main concern is events and new releases. This is what brings our income level up, temporarily of course... Until the game crashes completely and we no longer have a job. Then and only THEN issues could be addressed, when it's too late.

<Sparton mode off>

Awesome Dank!! Spot on

11-10-2017, 01:37 AM
Awesome Dank!! Spot on

Dank prophesied!

Lord Schmeb
11-10-2017, 02:19 AM
If I were a Dev and I had to constantly deal with obnoxious shit heads like Dank and SilentKnight on EVERY. SINGLE. THREAD. I am 100% positive I would sneak a little bit of malicious code into their accounts to make sure they NEVER get anything from souls.

Keep pissing and moaning though, fellas, it really is enjoyable to read about all your misfortunes.

Fully sharded Alchemist is my champion at the moment, feel free to try him out if you haven't yet.

11-10-2017, 02:41 AM
How do you like him, mate? If he any good?

11-10-2017, 02:41 AM
If I were a Dev and I had to constantly deal with obnoxious shit heads like Dank and SilentKnight on EVERY. SINGLE. THREAD. I am 100% positive I would sneak a little bit of malicious code into their accounts to make sure they NEVER get anything from souls.

Keep pissing and moaning though, fellas, it really is enjoyable to read about all your misfortunes.

Fully sharded Alchemist is my champion at the moment, feel free to try him out if you haven't yet.

Lord :)

If you were a Dev and done your job as great, while the game is still broken since launch - I am 200% positive that your superiors would fire you out on your rear in a blink of an eye...



11-10-2017, 02:46 AM
So, a question, maybe asked all ready, but where are my Alchemist Soul Fragments? I did tons of sacrificing and from 2 to 7, I have got my circle filled up nicely, but no fragments?

According to the announcement, you only get the fragments on a vortex fill, not just any sacrifice.
Doing the math, worst case you will have to fill the vortex 10 times to get enough fragments; best case would be 6 times.

11-10-2017, 03:00 AM
Alchemy Event love it... All Hail The Frog!!! 3955

Lord Schmeb
11-10-2017, 03:01 AM
How do you like him, mate? If he any good?

I put him on DEF for a bit and had so-so results. I think he's easy to counter if you know who to bring to the party. On offense though, he will be a game changer for those who don't mind a long, strategic fight. (That could/will likely change once people start to figure him out) For now, I could get high 90% win rates with him if I wanted to, but it's a slow process.

11-10-2017, 03:02 AM
Server is back online. Have fun guys

11-10-2017, 03:11 AM
I feel like he would make a good team with Mystic Eddie since his power move is supposed to Doom all enemies. Eddie's fury could just instantly wipe out the entire opposing team. Pair them with Assassin Troll or Angel of Pain and you got yourself a broken team.

As long as you have another character to remove immunity effects anyways.

11-10-2017, 08:17 AM
If I were a Dev and I had to constantly deal with obnoxious shit heads like Dank and SilentKnight on EVERY. SINGLE. THREAD. I am 100% positive I would sneak a little bit of malicious code into their accounts to make sure they NEVER get anything from souls.

Keep pissing and moaning though, fellas, it really is enjoyable to read about all your misfortunes.

Fully sharded Alchemist is my champion at the moment, feel free to try him out if you haven't yet.

Obnoxious??? Ok Lord? Shit 4 Brains! Big mouth=tiny little man, member, oh soooooo many choices!!! Let's c u back it up! Check my profile, u know where I live...tough guy! Haha....LoserSchmeb!!! Lord....u make ur boyfriend call u that 2?

11-10-2017, 04:29 PM
I just realised, we got him before we got his side of the story.

11-10-2017, 04:44 PM
next event i will buy 3 souls pack and no 10 pack to test

Dank Brew
11-10-2017, 05:20 PM
If I were a Dev and I had to constantly deal with obnoxious shit heads like Dank and SilentKnight on EVERY. SINGLE. THREAD. I am 100% positive I would sneak a little bit of malicious code into their accounts to make sure they NEVER get anything from souls.

Keep pissing and moaning though, fellas, it really is enjoyable to read about all your misfortunes.

Fully sharded Alchemist is my champion at the moment, feel free to try him out if you haven't yet.

If the game would fucking work properly I wouldn't complain. It's simple. Couldn't even log in at all last night. So go moan about my complaining somewhere else. It's fucking validated.

And for the record, I hardly ever had any luck before I was in the forums. So go ahead and lower my chances, doesn't make a difference at this point.

11-10-2017, 05:46 PM
Well, 50-100 or so summoner souls so far.. no Alchemist.. but I can't really complain too much...

I've seen Hallowed Eddie 5* a couple times, Pharaoh Eddie 5*, Samurai Eddie 5*, Navigator Eddie 4*, Mystic Eddie 5*

Also seen 3 of the 5 Mayan Priestesses (all 4*). Got a couple 4* valkyries, and a few other rare 4* characters like the soulless demon (sentinel).

All these sacrificed for Grand/Exalted a few times, and finally got Cyborg Eddie 5* from rare G/A soul rewards. (Not getting any skill shards for Grand/Exalted sacrifices - probably just my bad luck, but annoying nonetheless. :) )

I've done a couple vortex fills... and have fragments. But will need MANY more to actually pull the Alchemist that way, but at least it's a guarantee. Thanks Devs, that helps more than you can imagine... knowing there's actually a way to get him if you play rather than relying on random chance 100%. Odd that you get 20 fragments, but need 150 to complete... wouldn't 25 fragments make more sense so the math is even, rather than inevitably leaving a 10 soul remainder?

So, at least with this the level of frustration is not nearly the same as it was with the Hallowed Eddie event. I'm getting decent rewards... just not the reward I may want :) Which is drastically different than the Halloween Souls event where all I got were 3* characters. That was, frankly, infuriating.

..... now if only I could pull Vampire Hunter.... damn it!

11-10-2017, 07:35 PM
I summoned some good luck with this event. My first 5 Summoner Souls from the store (Ironite, Badges, and Gold) were only 3*. But, Dr. Dee appeared in my second set of 5 (from a Vortex fill). Thanks NF!

11-10-2017, 08:25 PM
Vortex fill yielded 3 Legendary, 5 G/A and 5 Summoner souls. No Alchemist (meh) but 1 Hallowed Eddie (WTF?!). Rest was crap...

11-10-2017, 10:20 PM
Found the Alchemist with first 100 ironite summoner's soul,this must be bug and crazy luck...

11-11-2017, 12:35 AM
Apologies if this has been asked before...

Will the Alchemist also be available as a rare Magus and Legendary Soul?

11-11-2017, 01:06 AM
If I were a Dev and I had to constantly deal with obnoxious shit heads like Dank and SilentKnight on EVERY. SINGLE. THREAD. I am 100% positive I would sneak a little bit of malicious code into their accounts to make sure they NEVER get anything from souls.

Keep pissing and moaning though, fellas, it really is enjoyable to read about all your misfortunes.

Fully sharded Alchemist is my champion at the moment, feel free to try him out if you haven't yet.

Angelkelly is that you?

11-11-2017, 01:17 AM
Apologies if this has been asked before...

Will the Alchemist also be available as a rare Magus and Legendary Soul?

Nope just the Alchemist Soul after the event.

11-11-2017, 10:28 PM
Nope just the Alchemist Soul after the event.

Thanks! Much appreciated.

11-12-2017, 03:45 AM
UNBELIEVABLE BS!! 3 Summoner soul pack... 1 Mystic Eddie!! Said what the hell... another 3 Summoner soul pack... 1 Alchemist!! WWWWTTTTFFFF!!!!
...and four other throw aways...

11-12-2017, 10:47 AM
UNBELIEVABLE BS!! 3 Summoner soul pack... 1 Mystic Eddie!! Said what the hell... another 3 Summoner soul pack... 1 Alchemist!! WWWWTTTTFFFF!!!!
...and four other throw aways...

Nice pull mate ! RNGesus is on your side this time ;)

11-12-2017, 04:14 PM
Looks like RNGesus is on my side as well this time. After pulling Hallowed Eddie a few days ago I decided not to use summoner souls anymore as I was super happy to complete my collection of Eddies.

Today I went for a walk in the mountains and I don’t know why but I decided to turn the game on and purchased a 3 pack... Red Eyes and The Alchemist has landed in my team. Really chuffed!

11-12-2017, 04:25 PM
René, Patrice, congrats on that! Hope you set him as champion some day so I can try him ;) bought a three pack yesterday too and will open it tomorrow. Still hope a little for the alchemist, also 20 souls have been shit so far :D

11-12-2017, 05:29 PM
René, Patrice, congrats on that! Hope you set him as champion some day so I can try him ;) bought a three pack yesterday too and will open it tomorrow. Still hope a little for the alchemist, also 20 souls have been shit so far :D

Hey. I’ll put him up tomorrow ;-)

11-12-2017, 06:55 PM
last test 3 souls and 3 shit 3* end of event for me and no new characters again :(
Edit: finally a 4* with a red rare souls and... shit dupe Wikerman lol
So many people seems to have new characters during event and me only shit, i just lose all my ironite :(

11-12-2017, 07:19 PM
last test 3 souls and 3 shit 3* end of event for me and no new characters again :(
Edit: finally a 4* with a red rare souls and... shit dupe Wikerman lol
So many people seems to have new characters during event and me only shit, i just lose all my ironite :(
Y bother Blade? 6 vortex fills & he's urs. Nothing special either! Stupid event anyways, imo. Everyone will eventually have him.

11-12-2017, 08:25 PM
Y bother Blade? 6 vortex fills & he's urs.

Actually 8 fills and you'll have 10 fragments left over.

20 x 8 = 160 -- need 150.

Why the math isn't even is a mystery to me.

11-12-2017, 08:56 PM
Actually 8 fills and you'll have 10 fragments left over.

20 x 8 = 160 -- need 150.

Why the math isn't even is a mystery to me.
Thot it was 25 frags?

11-12-2017, 09:52 PM
I am more than happy. I started the game from the beginning, I dropped a couple of toons and FotD Eddie to sacrifice, got 25 shards of the alchemist, a couple of skillhards, and plenty of event souls. Got some 4* toons, Tailgunner Eddie and Hallowed Eddie. This is the first time since the begining of the game I actually got 5* during the event.

11-12-2017, 10:09 PM
So some say 20 others say 25...random? Regardless, eventually everyone's gunna have him

11-13-2017, 12:22 AM
So some say 20 others say 25...random? Regardless, eventually everyone's gunna have him

From the original post by Sparton:

"Every time you achieve a Vortex, you’ll also earn 15, 20 or 25 Alchemist Soul Fragments (in addition to normal Vortex rewards). Earn 150 Fragments to claim an Alchemist Soul, which guarantees the 5 star Alchemist!"

11-13-2017, 12:44 AM
From the original post by Sparton:

"Every time you achieve a Vortex, you’ll also earn 15, 20 or 25 Alchemist Soul Fragments (in addition to normal Vortex rewards). Earn 150 Fragments to claim an Alchemist Soul, which guarantees the 5 star Alchemist!"

11-13-2017, 08:35 AM
So some say 20 others say 25...random? Regardless, eventually everyone's gunna have him

I've done 3 vortex fills.. 20 fragments each time. I just thought it was 20. Great to know I might get 15.. (rolls eyes)


11-13-2017, 11:25 PM
so finally filled the vortex 15 soul fragmemts 1x skill shard 4x g/a souls 5x summeroners wait....what 1x skill shard?????? yea...
fucking lame!

11-14-2017, 03:09 AM
From the original post by Sparton:

"Every time you achieve a Vortex, you’ll also earn 15, 20 or 25 Alchemist Soul Fragments (in addition to normal Vortex rewards). Earn 150 Fragments to claim an Alchemist Soul, which guarantees the 5 star Alchemist!"

So in the worst case it’s ten vortex fills?
Okay, I’ll see him in one year.

11-14-2017, 03:45 AM
So in the worst case it’s ten vortex fills?
Okay, I’ll see him in one year.

If they have a few of those sacrifice events like with the pumpkins you can cycle it pretty fast.

11-14-2017, 03:51 AM
I am hoping we get a christmas event similar to the Halloween one to hit the 6-10 vortex fills we need.

11-14-2017, 09:50 AM
I am hoping we get a christmas event similar to the Halloween one to hit the 6-10 vortex fills we need.

you have the toons to make 6 to 10 vortex??? me not and i keep many souls :eek:

11-14-2017, 10:21 AM
you have the toons to make 6 to 10 vortex??? me not and i keep many souls :eek:

With all my toons I could make far more vortex fills than that, but will not sacrifice them for a single toon that I will get someday anyway. Btw blade I collected many many many souls in the past too and from my experience (and some other confirmed it) I have to say: don’t do it! It’s just toooo disappointing in the end!

I‘m sure NF won’t make an event like pumpkin sacrifice in the near future, cause that would be too accommodating to us and against their philosophy 😝 :D

11-14-2017, 10:03 PM
Well like I predicted, I waited till today to buy souls just for curiously. 11 souls today, no red eyes at all. Sacrificed the dupes and got 2 rare souls. One of them was a 4* Pharaoh Dog.

Well all those souls didn't make much of a dent in my overall savings, but still. Man sometime I wish there was a refund or reverse button but that would be way too good. Honestly I wasn't even expecting the Alchemist or Mystic Eddie, I just wanted more 4* dupes for sacrifice reasons. At least I got 1 out of it.

11-15-2017, 02:35 PM
Well like I predicted, I waited till today to buy souls just for curiously. 11 souls today, no red eyes at all. Sacrificed the dupes and got 2 rare souls. One of them was a 4* Pharaoh Dog.

Well all those souls didn't make much of a dent in my overall savings, but still. Man sometime I wish there was a refund or reverse button but that would be way too good. Honestly I wasn't even expecting the Alchemist or Mystic Eddie, I just wanted more 4* dupes for sacrifice reasons. At least I got 1 out of it.

Same here. I have bought every soul possible (about 1000+ ironite, gold,trooper points,arena coins) and all i have got was blue eyes....

sad reality of LoTB

11-15-2017, 02:49 PM
Same here. I have bought every soul possible (about 1000+ ironite, gold,trooper points,arena coins) and all i have got was blue eyes....

sad reality of LoTB

me all souls and more than 2000 ironite for shit too, if it continu i will not do any event in future seriously NF go in the wall...
Game completely bugged, event with no rewards for many end players, stupid nerfs, no test of the game before updates....
It is the first game of NF no? they do so many big mistake

11-15-2017, 03:16 PM
It is the first game of NF no? they do so many big mistake

Well...if i understood it right, about 2 years agoNF was a company of 2 members. i guess it was grounded just for this project. and most of the programmers still working on this game are ex-roundhouse employees who started this whole mess.

So i imagine it like this: Sparton and co are in the UK, coordinating the support and marketing. while they have to communicate with the coders, who are actually working on the fixes and further coding in Canada...

Pretty complicated thing to do,if you ask me...

11-15-2017, 04:46 PM
Well...if i understood it right, about 2 years agoNF was a company of 2 members. i guess it was grounded just for this project. and most of the programmers still working on this game are ex-roundhouse employees who started this whole mess.

So i imagine it like this: Sparton and co are in the UK, coordinating the support and marketing. while they have to communicate with the coders, who are actually working on the fixes and further coding in Canada...

Pretty complicated thing to do,if you ask me...

I don't think Sparton is in the UK... look at the timings of his posts ;-)

11-15-2017, 04:59 PM
Now up to 12 Alchemy souls without getting red eyes once... Filled the vortex, got 5 Alchemy souls (to take me up to the 12 souls), white eyes and nothing decent. 9 skills shards were nice though.

11-15-2017, 07:15 PM
9 skill shards from vortex?
i got 1x and im fu@*kn pissed!

Dank Brew
11-15-2017, 07:29 PM
9 skill shards from vortex?
i got 1x and im fu@*kn pissed!

I got 6 last time. (Two days before this event started of course...) only 5 rare G/A souls along with it... it was the worst vortex ever for me. About half of my usual vortex. The one before this I got 10 G/A 2 legendary and 8 skill shards... what's up with that? lol

11-15-2017, 08:56 PM
scraped 500 iron coins for the second soul and bought the last one with 100 ironite which accumulated over the day....3* magus trickster and........

...............Corrupt Ox Cultist!!!! that summarizes it all :D

Dank Brew
11-15-2017, 10:58 PM
Well, just spent the last of my ironite (like a freaking dumbass) on summoner souls...

The outcome of every single summoners soul during this event is a 3* character. I seriously give up on your "increased chances" events. I had luck with mystic eddie release and that's it, ever. I haven't even used him once lmfao

I literally have 1 ironite left now... How freaking sad.

Edit: Oh shit, powerslave gave me 1 more ironite. Big baller now!

11-15-2017, 11:51 PM
Well guys, as always I enjoy your posts and I'm also one of those who keep buying stuff, only to get s**t. Recently i got this newsletter and i'd like to share it with you. It's not about our game but i feel that there are some similarities. It's a bit long, sorry 'bout that


Feel free to delete my post if i'm breaking any rule (as if i care...;-), but i'm "shitfaced" after a night out with a lot of alcohol and Marilyn Manson \,,/ �� \,,/