View Full Version : For the Love of God.. Turn on the "Quick Reply" Forum Feature please.....

12-29-2017, 05:48 AM
.. new page load for every reply is unwarranted. Enable the Quick Reply feature, please.

It's so much nice to respond to someone if you can see the thread while responding rather than having to scroll down... then scroll up to replay.. then scroll down to read.. then scroll up to reply.

It's vBulletin 4.. not vBulletin 2....

12-31-2017, 05:34 AM
I'll settle for getting rid of the damn robot box for every single post.

Sure, for new accounts, set it to verify for the first 10-20 posts.
I'm up to 40 posts now; I'm not a fake account to sell you viagra or asking you all to help me get my money from my royal bank account in Nigeria.