Did his GCR or Harpy have Thorn Talismans that applied the shields? That could be the main reason why your team got Permadeth on them if you then attacked the shields with Physical or True damage.
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Since when can someone get a critical heal???? Wtf
Facing Allied general, viking eddie, golden pharaoh dog, and dog of war.... just golden and general left. General uses his ability, and then the dog heals and gets a critical heal of 21k on the general... This caused a draw cause it had already been too long and I was frustrated when I saw that. A critical heal is just ridiculous.
I'm really starting to hate PvP. Def has way more accuracy every single battle and they go first way too often. What's the fucking point anymore
That’s funny! i have read this, thought to myself “never really seen that...” and in the first PVP battle after...my Eda (gunner valkyrie) healed herself for 25842 HP crit! :P
I have never payed much attention to the heal amounts, but this puzzles me now: Was there a critical heal before?
Reported about this a few days ago, but nobody seems to have been interested 😋
Critical heals have existed as long as I have seen. Usually from VHE giving someone crit status who doesn't normally have it. Plus can have crit reflects which get to be nuts too.
I don't see it as bad. I think it can be useful strategy taking advantage of crit status.
Lol, yes he does...JJJ’s defense team is one which I just hate facing. But Kudos to him...I like facing his team and it is a good challenge. I don’t have VHE or any of the Valkyries, and I do ok thanks to some good advice from folks on here (esp. a few Eternals who are stellar dudes and very helpful). In fact, this attack team would win 100% if it weren’t for the stupid AoF bug which gives the entire (remaining) defense team an extra turn even if that team is a toon down already.
Btw, I have a good friend who has a maxed VHE but doesn’t use him, and is usually always in the top 10, so you really don’t need VHE to do well.
Since we are on the subject of VHE I was wondering if anyone else has seen lately when he revives with his fury the toons he revives do not come back with Crit status its only the toons that are already alive that are given crit status. If this is an intended nerf its one I am ok with. Even though I use VHE I still say his fury was/is over powered being able to revive everyone, give them all crit status and (before) do massive damage all in one move was beyond OP. At least now with less damage and if intended the toons he revive do not get crit status I might say its actually balanced.
Buffs are REALLY messed up. They appear and shouldn't, they duplicate, they don't appear but should, they should go away and don't... I don't trust ANY buff in the game right now. I've lost track of the amount of times I've killed a toon with the Endure buff active... or been attacked by a toon with the freeze buff active.
It seems only the yellow buffs are acting correctly. But to be fair.. I haven't been watching VHE revive.. other than to kill that bastard :)
I don't have VHE but I don't mind the revives/crit/etc. - the thing that gets my goat about him is the number of extra turns. I've had one (without echo talismans) take out my entire team one at a time before. One hit kills are fine and are part of the perk of having the toon, just limiting to one or two per turn would be good :P
I haven't seen a VHE that can "one hit kill" anyone on my attack team.. it's those damn extra turns her gets that are ridiculous. I agree. But inevitably he's easy to kill... you just have to what what OTHER characters he's got with him. They make all the difference.
I mean, you throw Shop Items after us, like you only wanna have fucking money!
It seems they want to kill this game, they throw updates with more bugs, than features, everytime new overfuckingpriced shopshit!
Character after Character, no new content to play, night city sleeps over a year in the MAIN MENU!
PvP sucks as hell, everytime the opponent have more accuracy, trigger, trigger, TRIGGER! But my attackteam seems to wanna suicide, because it think on them selfs, this shit, i can't do this anymore..,
You really should hire new programmers and TEST you ******* updates before you push them live..,
I love the artists work, not all, but the most of them, it gives the feel they do this with love, but the other side only wants the players fucking money?!
I loved this game, but this crap event with a fragment droprate of shit and all the endless other bugs..,
Do you really hate your consumers that much?
Edit: In my opinion it is a slap in the face for every Iron Maiden fan and the Band for using the name and make money with a broken product...
Sparton, regarding Aces High Eddie's Do Or Die skill, I've been keeping a closer eye on what it does, and I am even more convinced that the move prioritizes removing a beneficial effect over turning the endure status to permadeath. A few scenarios that I have confirmed:
-If endure is the only status effect, it removes endure but does not inflict permadeath (the remove beneficial effects part went first and after removal, there was no endure to convert to permadeath).
-If an enemy has endure and another positive effect, sometimes it will remove endure and not inflict permadeath (in this case, the remove beneficial effects part chose endure to remove). In other cases, it will remove both effects and inflict permadeath (in this case, the remove beneficial effects part chose the other positive effect to remove, and then it saw the endure status and inflicted permadeath).
-If an enemy has perfect immortality it always turns it into permadeath as intended, regardless of if there are other positive effects on the enemy or not. This is because perfect immortality can only be removed with permadeath, so it always fails the check for removing beneficial effects, but then is turned into permadeath afterwards.
I haven't encountered immortality or ghost regularly enough to test, but I have to imagine these findings hold true for that as well. The solution seems to be to switch the priority. Have the move check for endure/immortality/ghost first, and then after inflicting permadeath have it remove a beneficial effect.
Hope this information helps!
Excellent summary Coletrain, and I agree, I noticed the same things and I use my Aces High all the time.
I can confirm that his “Do or Die” Skill does indeed work on the Magus LoL Boss and applies Permadeth successfully when the Boss is Ghosted, thereby killing him immediately.
Purge talismans, are they going to be available in the store again? I thought they were going to be available to purchase permanently, but they are gone, yoo soon.
There was a blip where it was missing from the store, but if you force close and relaunch your app, you should see them again. Sorry about them being missing for a bit.
EDIT: Actually, there may still be something still wrong with the PVP store setup. We're investigating.
EDIT 2: PVP Talisman tab is back and displaying all 5 available types now.
What sets off a void shield reflect? I assumed it was Physical and magic damage, but it seems 50/50 on whether or not true damage will do anything.
Just a perfect hit. It doesn't matter what damage type.. just a perfect hit. And the Talismans only give a 35% chance of it activating.
Huh. That's a heck of a nerf.
I'm noticing Voids and Thorns don't seem to be reflecting damage or effects from counters - has anyone else spotted this? Damage is still reduced but there is no effect back at the countering toon/team. Could this be linked to the removal of multiple reflects bouncing between shields? They work fine during normal combat and taunts, just not from counters.
void/thorn reflect true and physical damage, not magic damage. It's possible you're jsut seeing magic damage.
And... not certain what "nerf" anyone's on about. As far as I know it's been the same since I started playing in August.
Sparton, will there ever be a fix for the 'cinema bug'? I just had to quit twice in a row against dje because of it. Annoying, as I would have won both times otherwise.
Would there also be a possibility for the game to detect when it's hanging due to a lack of input, and then register the fight as a Draw? Would prevent a lot of frustration I think.
EDIT: Both times it was the opponent's VHE casting a Fury against a Thorn Shield and then dying. Don't remember the specifics as much the first time, but the second time Enduring Talis on that VHE were probably involved too.
Ah, goddamn it. I keep forgetting doing Lord of Light isn't goddamn worth it. Trying to do 2 of the warrior challenges and the game randomly quit twice. There's 16 sands of time wasted.
Hi Sparton,
Will this fix also include the bugs with being unable to claim the Achievement and Daily Challenges? I have 5 Achievements waiting to be claimed but am not doing so lest I lose them like I did my Skill shards. And with the Daily Challenges I use the Kamuz workaround and just wait for the daily reset, but that is a pain.
And likewise, will This also fix the missing/lost Crimson Dog fragments?
One of our programmers has committed a fix for this, but our QA hasn't had a chance to verify it yet. We'll hopefully have a fix next release, but I just can't be sure yet.
Our CS team is working through investigating and gifting according to what is missing.
For anyone with this problem where achievement rewards were missing for a challenge that was claimed, you'll need to sort that out with CS using the in-game Support button.
I'm definitely seeing no effect for damage types that previously were reflected from counters with thorns and voids, as well as attacks that are reflected normally (i.e. in normal combat rather than counters). Plus there are no secondary effects appearing at all (buff removal for voids/permakill for thorns) for counters.