I have not even attempted any event challenges yet I just wanted to get through the storyline and beat everything at Normal level, I might say it's a fair bit harder than I imagined, I lost several times, yes I lost at normal level.. all in the chances of completing the skull quests, in one go, which by the way I believe cannot be done. When the game provides Charlotte the first time round for many of the quests, trying to complete them in one go is just not possible when some quests require all Assasins or all Gunners and all must survive.. I can suggest the get 10 x power moves can be completed by using a cheap power move on Eddie, one that does no damage, I use Edward the great's power move Fortify very successfully, Sentinel Corrupt Rescuer's power move Avail is another good one, cheap but gets the job done.

Lots of goodies on the way through, I have completed normal, the others I'll take my time on once all the normal skull quests are completed, I'm 75% there...
Any great tips fellow troopers keep them coming! Nice work NF, errr Navigator, errr whoever you are...