Pretty simple.

Sentinel team - Visions eddie (eternity) horus (future/energy) and witch doctor (fate/mark/energy)

Gunner team - Hallowed eddie (echo, advantage) prisoner (primordials) and Osiris (redemption/energy)

Magnus team - Seventh son eddie (eclipse)/ Edward the Great (destiny, sustaining) alchemist (fate/energy/angel) Magnus undead rescuer (oracle)

Warrior team - Alexander eddie ( Echo/ advantage)/ Samurai Eddie (Echo/ advantage) Warrior Lilith (reception/energy) Charlotte (Valor)

Assassin team - Rainmaker eddie (eclipse) Child of the damned (mark/energy) Assassin hellhound (destiny/tranquility)

Sentinel team HAS to have Visions. I know it sounds weird considering Piece of Mind is slightly better in every aspect, but I feel like everyone's forgotten about the stun/shatter combo. Stun with horus (almost guaranteed to stun with future talisman on), then use shatter. You gain insane health buffs, heal shields, heal amps, life drain, spell vamps, anything and everything healing. I used that on madness, the enemy barely made a dent, and for the most part was incapacitated with stuns. Witch doctor was there in case of hellhounds. Sleep the witch doctor, he cleanses everyone and curses the enemies. Easy victory.

Gunner team can pretty much range from hallowed to doomsday. The only reason i chose hallowed was because imo it has better uses than doomsday. If an ally is downed, he can revive. If passives become a problem, aside from prisoner's passive. he can disable them as well. And his fury grants enough power to not only stay alive, but to execute as well. Osiris is there because I have no other natural 5 star, for some reason though he keeps dying. But like i said hallowed eddie is there for just that.

Magnus team have no restrictions other than the alchemist. I would argue that the alchemist is the best magnus character thus far. Put some angel talk on him, or energy for survivability, he'll do wonders. The rest is up to you. I personally like seventh son because of ascension, and the easy ability to grant allies immortality.

Warrior team same with magnus, there is no restriction, it's up to you. I personally like alexander eddie because he grants armor penetration on his basic attack, and with echo he'll make for a devastating next hit, especially if ignite is activated. While ignited, and armor penetration granted, warrior lilith can pretty much clean house, and charlotte can handle the scraps. Samurai is good too mostly because his 1st basic can grant you multiple, and i mean multiple turns, making him a very good dmg dealer.

Assassin team is only used for bosses. I can't stress this enough how easy it is to take on the boss, even on madness, without even getting hit. Rainmaker plays a very important role, trust me. My child of the damned, hell it can be any assassin character you want, as long as it has 1 thing - mark talisman. The match has to begin with the 3 marks placed specifically on the boss. Once that's done, use rainmaker's rain ability to DOUBLE the marks on the target, thus placing 6 marks. Attack again without a perfect hit to possibly add a 7th mark. Consume the marks with the final assassin character, thus killing the boss on your first turn. Easy, and i mean stupid easy victory.

I won't say night city wasn't challenging. At one point I had to self revive (out of laziness but still). But it's not impossible. I understand some people don't have the characters listed. But just work with what you got, this is a strategy based game after all. Or maybe work your way up to getting these characters. It's not like night city will be going somewhere lol. Good luck guys.