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  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2018

    Longwinded rambling idea

    I’ve seen LOTB compared to Magic the Gathering a few times lately and it got me thinking. MTG used creatures (equivalent of toons) which were released in sets. Players were limited to using creatures within the current and second most current set (unless they played “classic” which could use cards from any set- more on that in a minute).

    Each set had a couple overpowered creatures, more normal powered ones and some weaker ones.

    ***LOTB should group toons into sets based on when they were released and keep the OP toons to a minimum in each set to compartmentalism the power creep.***
    They release toons too often and piecemeal. They don’t get a chance to be played because a newer toon makes it obsolete.

    If LOTB did this, players could play the current meta in the arena and not have to worry about each new toon being better and stronger than the last one because there would be multiple released in a set. Yes it would get boring after a month with limited toons, but don’t we all use the flavor of the week anyway? It’s a little complex but I think it would work. There could be a “classic” mode as mentioned above where any toon could be used and that’s where divisions would come in. A player could avoid being screwed if they didn’t have the best overall toons by not playing that format. It would even the playing field and also lead to more diverse teams since there would be more parity by playing within a set of say 10-15 toons for a month. Is this totally off the wall or does anyone else think it could stop the haves vs the have nots problem. For this format just charge like $5 for the whole set and players get what they get and make teams based on that for a month. $5 a month isn’t too bad for an entertaining game and the devs would make money because of sheer quantity of players buying the sets.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2019
    CaesarsLegion, USA
    I think this is a really good idea. I’ve played MTG for years. I do think that there are some great character and combinations of characters that could be used but are not used because of the OP tunes that many players have. I hope to see legacy evolve in some ways to allow that.

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