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  1. #301
    Senior Member Mariner-1212's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by GotN View Post
    Yeah, saw it, but it doesn’t matter. You still get 1M gold, same as before. Read my post again bro
    Yes thank you, but...

    Name:  troll-face-png-4.png
Views: 2993
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    This is what not to do if your bird shits on you.

  2. #302
    Senior Member Nifelheim's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    The original master thread to cosmic talismans. Anyone care to update stats, especially red t3 at level 50?

  3. #303
    Senior Member Nifelheim's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Red t3 rider, level 50
    Hp 39480
    Def 3101
    Mr 3178
    Spec 1978

    Compare to red t3 rot, level 40
    Hp 35651
    Def 2457
    Mr 2202

    Book of soyga lvl 50
    Hp 13714
    Atk 1302
    Mag 1302
    Spec 548

  4. #304
    Sentinel dmleod's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Montevideo, Uruguay
    Got 2 question: I jnoticed that i have three or four identical talismans. Each one can be placed on several characters, i guess (i don`t need so much talismans as characters i got, i assume). Is it correct?

    Assuming that i only need i talisman that will fit on every character i want, my second question: there's a way to "use" those repeted talismans (or convert, or change, or sacrifice or whatever)?

    Thanks in advance

  5. #305
    Senior Member dragonmat89's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Coventry, UK
    Occasionally the list of characters that can use these bespokes is increased (e.g. if a new character in the same theme is released) so I tend to keep a spare or two handy but that's it. The exceptions are Paranoia and Sinister Solstice which are so useful I keep a couple of extra spares.

    Other than that the only use for them is to sell them or upgrade ones you currently have from T1 to T2 etc.
    In game: CrazyPanda2018
    Clan: The Fallen

    Fear of the Dark, Fear of the Dark;
    I have a Constant Fear of Running Out of Beer

    'Compendium' content for all Talismans and Characters (Max Awakened only if awakenable) available to view here. Please note I'll try and keep this up to date every few weeks.

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