First, hello again everyone I hope you're having a great day and enjoying the game.
I've been playing for a couple months now and am aware of some mistakes I've been making and some bad tendencies I have so I'm going to correct my own gameplay but I figured it is time to also humbly ask advice from the veterans ( you guys). So, I'm just gonna throw some things out any advice is welcome and appreciated.
At this time I'm really having trouble completing the skull quests that contain "Use 10 power abilities" like in Battlefield Cold,Bloody War. Any advice on who to use to accomplish those?
Next, I've recently just finished Night City, got the talisman hoard skull quest open, and finished 9&10 Garden of Dismay. Meaning, I have alot of new talismans coming (death,freeze,persecution,rage,nightmare,
mimic). I know talismans are really trial and error but I was wondering if you feel certain ones are just a good fit or work really well with particular characters.
Last, it seems I have some good characters that just aren't as strong as they should be. They are maxed, skill sharded up, with max talis but seem like they're missing that lil extra umph so it must be my tali choice and I've tried alot of mixed. Examples: Lady A, Raven, Clairvoyant,Green desert guard.
Well, I know that's alot but I've been trying to work through all this on my own and figured it might just be better to ask opinions. Thanks guys.