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  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2019

    Frozen wasteland dungon

    So we have the madness now for frozen wasteland so can we get the drop rates sorted to the way they were before but have an increase in drop rates for everything (espcially magus gunner 3 star shards) also whats with the death of fc ironite in the dungon it sucks now although the increase in frags was nice would be nice to see an easy and insanity added as well easy drops lots of 1&2 star evo shards (they are hard af to get at times) and insanity should drop awakening materials this is just my oppinion but i hope everyone likes it and supports the idea

  2. #2
    Senior Member Azagthor's Avatar
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    Oct 2019
    There is a huge gulf between both side of the player base, and not many ways to progress. Outside of getting lucky with event souls, Frontier Coins are one of the best ways for a player to catch-up. Especially with the ever increasing stable of FC-only characters and dungeon keys. But FC mostly come from high-end content, which makes even that route difficult. Then the Frozen Wasteland launched. An easier dungeon, with valuable drops. Cosmic evo runes, half of the 3* evolution shards, frontier coins, rare souls, and even skill shards were suddenly accessible for players taking their first steps away from the story content, and into limited-event content.

    The addition of a Madness stage was a surprise, and it could have been a welcome one if it had built upon Hard modes strengths, rather than cannibalising the drop rates and ruining the dungeons appeal. Frozen was special as it was one of the only ways for intermediate players to try bridge the gap between beginner and end-game. If those changes are intentional, it's made things much harder for me again, just as I was beginning to feel I was making progress. Be more like Tiny Tim, and less like Scrooge Eddie

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Oct 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Azagthor View Post
    There is a huge gulf between both side of the player base, and not many ways to progress. Outside of getting lucky with event souls, Frontier Coins are one of the best ways for a player to catch-up. Especially with the ever increasing stable of FC-only characters and dungeon keys. But FC mostly come from high-end content, which makes even that route difficult. Then the Frozen Wasteland launched. An easier dungeon, with valuable drops. Cosmic evo runes, half of the 3* evolution shards, frontier coins, rare souls, and even skill shards were suddenly accessible for players taking their first steps away from the story content, and into limited-event content.

    The addition of a Madness stage was a surprise, and it could have been a welcome one if it had built upon Hard modes strengths, rather than cannibalising the drop rates and ruining the dungeons appeal. Frozen was special as it was one of the only ways for intermediate players to try bridge the gap between beginner and end-game. If those changes are intentional, it's made things much harder for me again, just as I was beginning to feel I was making progress. Be more like Tiny Tim, and less like Scrooge Eddie
    I agree completely in 2 months ive thrown about £400 into the game thats how i have been able to progress to where i am now but even then that was a lot but i got most of it credit from my phone firm but thats not the point this needs fixed and fast

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