Madness battlefield now, then I’ll jump into the madness underworld. Started doing mad city normal and started getting my butt handed to me. Gonna borrow dudes trooper when I can, totally got all purple stars, however that’s done
Last edited by Big_Beefy_Biker; 01-12-2020 at 10:57 PM.
congrats on getting g.ghost and welcome back to LotB; i've sent a trooper request if u have a slot open, i keep mine a eddie as most like that but if u need i can switch it (my trooper is always a powered up: skill.s/talismans/ most of time lvl100).
good hunting in battlefield and underworld
Last edited by razgriz; 01-13-2020 at 03:11 AM.
he can be good, with him and that g.ghost u can really stack neg effects on enemies; i would switch ur ascension talisman from ur ghost to him or another magic dmg toon since its not boosting the ghost's atk, since cosmic talis are newer and not sure if u know but they can be applied to any slot
I see you, Biker / Viking. Added, enjoy the game! I guess it has chenged a lot since you don't play. I started less than a year ago and it has changed even for me.