I'm going to use this post to write about my frustration with the gauntlet rewards because this was the first time that I cleared the S stage and started to play in SS and I was actually able to clear the first three battles of SS and got stuck in the fourth one but I was happy because for this being my first time in SS I think I did good but today when I was checking the rewards I noticed that I'm not going to get the SS rewards because my rank is #251! and in order to get SS rewards you need to be in SS and rank #250, so frustrating! because it doesn't make sense to clear S and some battles in SS because at the end you are not going to get the SS rewards. I think that the devs need to change that to give the SS rewards based on the number of battles you won or something like that, or at least you should not be downgraded to a rank below the #250!

Well, that is it, I will keep playing and will try to clear SS next time!

Up the Irons!