Hi guys, my team is now strong enough to take on some of the dungeons but are the talismans still dripping cus I’ve used 2 mega refill on samurai, and gangland but not 1 talisman dropped
Hi guys, my team is now strong enough to take on some of the dungeons but are the talismans still dripping cus I’ve used 2 mega refill on samurai, and gangland but not 1 talisman dropped
they're super rare drops, i've got about 11,000 runs in the lol 11-15 and only have 2 sets of light talis and 4 individual fallen talis so they're few and far between, i would check the individual dungeon posts that some people created where drop rates/teams are talked about to see how others have faired plus there's the frontier key cheat sheet crazyharry created. as to the samurai dungeon during that event i was able to get 2 full sets of the yin/yang talismans from the samurai dungeon so it should still drop. good luck on getting the ones you're after
what talis you going for? also if you have them i would try using the achievement toons when playing each dungeon so u kill 2 birds with 1 stone
Raz, ive got all the toons needed for airstrip, gangland and most for samurai. im after any that are from the dungeons m8 primordial, yin, yang, reaper etc had a good week last week with soul drops, picked up Samurai eddie, G banshee, S banshee, Iron Maiden Eddie, the Madame, Benjamin Breeg eddie, Vamp hunter eddie, W hierophant, Witch doctor, Irigami dog spirit, Plague doctor harpy, W Savage reaper, A Trickster, M chopper, M Convict, G UAS, G possessed rockets, W mayan priestess. W Rocket dog, just need a lot of skill shards and tali's now top put on them
Last edited by Madrik; 03-09-2020 at 10:54 PM.
talis i have got that get swapped about depending what opponents im facing
Light -
Alchemy -
Frontier -
Artifact -
Labyrinth -
Trooper -
Dominance -
Hunter -
Warlord -
Banshee T2 for Gunner and Sentinel
plus the various cosmics
plus the usual stock talis
Last edited by Madrik; 03-09-2020 at 11:06 PM.
Talisman drops for the more rare sets really run in cycles. You cna burn a mega-refill and get set after set.. or nothing at all. There's no telling really. You just have to keep running dungeons.
If it's any consolation.. I burned 2 mega-refills in the Samurai dungeon recently and only got 4 talismans (all the same).... so it happens to all of us.
luckily im not in a major rush as im doing quite well in arena and gauntlet, completed all missions and skull quests and got a nice healthy ironite stash (just under 2K) and being very careful how i use it. grinding NC for gold as thats dropping on nearly every run but spent a fair bit powering up talismans and awakening toons, finishing most of the achievement in events so doing ok ATM few issues im waiting on customer support to rectify mainly no rewards for arena after the roll over saturday, no rewards for clan achievements and no rewards for beating odin in the bos raid (connection error) so that didnt even register id even beaten him just over 9m damage (only G Banshee left) took friggin ages to do too
Depends on the dungeon, but talisman drops are usually in the 1-4% chance per run range. Can always get lucky and get a heap of them quickly, but equally possible to go through a whole key without finding any.
Samurai feels like one of the more generous dungeons in terms of talisman drops, hopefully your luck will improve soon mate.
Thanks buddy I’ll keep grinding and hopefully get some more decent sets glad I managed to get banshee’s cosmic she’s a beast with the right tali combo I done Odin with just her left just over 9m damage and beat him took blummin ages mind before the servers decided to throw a connection error so didn’t get any rewards or anything for the few hours a spent chipping away at him