I'm currently unable to play the game, due to a bug with inventory overflow and management. I have never seen this issue happen before.

I am one talisman over my inventory limit. When I launch the game, I receive the popup box asking if I want to expand my inventory or manage it. If I select expand, I receive an error message, and I am taken to My Team. If I select manage, I am taken to My Team.

Once in My Team, if I try to sell talismans, I receive an error message. If I expand my inventory with ironite / gold or equip talismans, either bringing my inventory under the limit, it seems to work until I leave the My Team screen. Changes are not saved, and I receive the popup box again. I also receive the old Seven Deadly Gifts splash screen (every time).

I am currently unable to do anything in the game, because of the restrictions imposed by having an inventory overflow, along with an inability to fix the overflow due to these bugs I described. I have restarted many times, plus cleared cache. Nothing seems to help.

Any suggestions?

Devs - I just submitted a ticket. Could you please escalate if possible, since this issue is preventing me from being able to play any aspect of the game. Thank you.