Seasons Greetings and a Brief Apology
G'day folks, hope you've all been well. I've been incredibly busy with real life stuff this past month, and haven't been able to keep up my usual of community participation, especially things like posting event challenge summaries and the dungeon images. I've missed chatting with you all here, and hopefully things will return to a somewhat more normal level of busy for me sooner rather than later, and I'll be back again with my infuriatingly calm opinions and strange enthusiasm for data collection :P
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone! Take care, enjoy whatever time off you can get, and have a wonderful holiday my friends 
Also... while I will share my overall thoughts about the Tiny Tim Strikes Back event at some point, it would be remiss of me not to say how incredibly happy the dungeon's story made me. Thank you! I shall do my best to make sure my story eventually eclipses that of old John Dee
Your summaries rule! Up the irons!
Thanks Nifelheim!
I'm still super busy, but miss you all, and hope I'll be able to jump back into this part of the game community again soon. Hope you've all been keeping well
I may have been a little bit too optimistic around this time last year, opps! I wont bore you with the details, but unfortunately some of my long-term health problems got rather worse this year, and it took up more and more of my time and energy dealing with it all. It's nothing to be concerned about though, I'll be ok, it's just taking an awfully long time to bounce back from it. I'm sorry my visits have been so few and far between lately, as I really miss chatting with you all here! Don't worry though, I'm still playing and slowly working on a couple of different projects* when I can find the time.
Anyway, I hope you've all been well, and were able to have a relaxing Christmas/Holidays. Looking forward to when I'm able to spend more time being social with everyone again. Take care my friends, talk to you again soon 
*Today actually marks my 700th run of the Gold & Soul Vault, and I have recorded my drops from every single run. Can't wait to share my analysis with you all!
Happy Holidays, Azagthor! I'm sorry to hear about your health issues, but I'm glad to hear that you're going at it with a positive attitude. That often is the difference between health and decline.
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