Quote Originally Posted by MuzakMaker View Post
I agree, that having some challenge for us late game players is great.

My problem lies in the fact that this event is only for the late game players.
And most events are aimed more towards early-game or mid-game players. Take evolution events - anybody can do those, and they grant what would've been an awesome talisman for someone who hasn't yet cleared Night City, but is generally crap compared to the arsenal of level 50 red T3s us end-game players have. We do them because it's something to do.

If people could just grind the easy dungeon for less currency, then almost everybody would take that path (as they did during the Infernal event) instead of trying to use their noggins to win the biggest rewards.

I'm sure the cosmic will come around again in some frag event or whatnot. The Heaven shards should be hard to get - and also highly motivating to those of us who've only managed to max 4 Baphs without paying real cash.

I like that there's a whole event for those of us who are inevitably getting bored with easy evo events, frag events, f***ing Towerfall, and dungeons we can beat on Insanity reliably with the first team we slap together.