want a second Genghis Khan, but I cannot afford it. I made a bbq with characters that I made three years ago. This was my story, but I sacrifice it. 'Cause I need another endless toons
want a second Genghis Khan, but I cannot afford it. I made a bbq with characters that I made three years ago. This was my story, but I sacrifice it. 'Cause I need another endless toons
There would be a real easy and user friendly way of handling this.
Stacking character dupes.
Keep horizontal scrolling as it is, but add a "count" pill to characters that have dupes. Long press to bring up the dupe list, vertical scroll into that to select the one you want.
But, as ceeg said, they know we want it, but it's not in the plans (polite way to express "we don't care what players want").
If you can't add more space for stacks of souls / keys just now, then as temporary measure show how many stacks we are using so we know when we are near the limit and take action before we hit it and start getting those annoying pop-ups or have the fragment button disabled.
How much effort will it be to add "66 / 70 stacks used" or whatever?
In-Game: SeventhSon-6934
Clan: The Fallen (now recruiting new members)
There are so many things wrong with the game that they could solve with some basic design changes that the only conclusion I have is that the frogs work with very limited resources, or that they have a boss who has no idea what he is doing while administrating a game company where the player's experience should be a priority.
If NF will increase the space it will end with -10 space, because NF """"" dev's """" know exactly, what they are doing.