Does anyone understand how the Clan Night City challenge works? It's hard to be certain what's going on, because I could have clanmates doing the challenge at the same time I am. But I've got Infinite Dreams Eddie, Charlotte, and Wrathchild as the team (no backseat eaddies). I'd expect that to do 3 challenge points per round, since that's how these things normally work, but it doesn't seem to be. I've been running the rightmost room in the first part of the city (Siren Wails), which is a 3 step battle. So I expect it to be worth either 3 or 9, but I've definitely seen the score increase by _2_.

I also did the final boss battle, since it's just one step, but doing that, I've seen the score not increase at all.

I haven't experimented with fewer choppers on the team to see what that does, yet. Has anyone already done the legwork?