@IceManFerrar: Ok, feel free
@Hypnos: I sent you a request with a switch to my wickerman :P
Last edited by zdm-1083; 02-11-2017 at 05:10 PM.
I use all my troopers every day, list closed
Daily player here in need of some more active troopers. It's a bit of a bummer to play all of my troopers everyday (minus when MACLO errors or other crashes occur) and not have them do so in return. I'd love to add some active guys from here on the forums!
Current Champion: Lvl 100 maxed Cyborg Eddie
If you want you can send me a request, i can remove an inactive trooper (5 days off)
I play all my troopers daily of course
Last edited by surfingwithdje; 02-11-2017 at 09:44 PM.
I may send you a request tomorrow. Have received only 475 badges since yesterday's reset, and am quite disappointed, since I used ALL of my troopers without a single MACLO error, so they all received badges from me last night and today.
Not sure if folks are having issues with the game...all the troopers showed as having logged in.
Oh well, guess I will wait until tomorrow and see if I need to drop one or two.
One slot here, shoot me
_______ 💀 Tom-7714 💀 ___________
___________ | CLAN | __________
👹 The Mofo Cult 👹