I know people are frustrated by the removal of the ironite for sacrifice store item. I'm disappointed too. But, if the ironite economy is broken, this is probably one of the better ways to fix it. Consider the alternatives:
1) Increase the cost of Sands of Time.
2) Make events cost more Sands of Time (more grinding).
3) Make events give less currency per Sand of Time (also more grinding).

If a result of them removing 2500 ironite per month is that we can do the events with less grinding, then it's a net positive, not a negative. It's especially positive for newer players.

So far, we've only had one datapoint, but the first grind-heavy event of the month was substantially cheaper (ironite-wise) than any of the grind events in February. One data point does not make a trend, but if this IS a trend, it's well worth the cost of losing a source of ironite.