Discuss the February 2022's Tuning and Update Notes in this thread!
Here's a link to our Tuning Notes.
Discuss the February 2022's Tuning and Update Notes in this thread!
Here's a link to our Tuning Notes.
Alright, so there's a lot to go through here. Let me get the bad out of the way first, this time.
New awakening shards for Storm Eddie are crap, considering Cyborg Shards have been labeled as the "BNW and Cyborg character" shards for years now. To randomly have a new shard (which likely will only be used for him) sucks. Same goes for Hallowed Ed; why wouldn't he use Hallowed and Ale shards?
Otherwise, everything else looks to be really good for this update.
First off, the nerfs to GotN and Coalgiver were 100% warranted and necessary. GotN has been a plague in the Arena for so long now, and it's caused the meta to become centered around dealing with his stupid passive. Coalgiver also was far too easy to get wins with, so now the meta should open up a bit more.
I will say, the one issue I have with GotN's nerf is that he's basically the same awakened vs. unawakened now. Like, there's no reason to awaken him with the changes made. I suppose some of his abilities get better, but now he's in tiers with Dracula for least changes made during awakening.
Bespoke Talismans being able to evolve into higher tiers is amazing, and it makes things a lot easier for newer players to upgrade theirs over time.
Rainmaker Eds buffs look good, but they still have a bit to go imo. Instant kills have no real counter right now, so sending him in alone could lead to death against a team with just 1 set of Gemini talismans. Speaking of which, the Gemini talisman fix looks pretty good too.
Awakening shards being put into older dungeons is super nice as well, means we don't have to dump endless awakening souls.
Storm Eddie's buffs look decent, it'll definitely bump up his ranks on my tier list. I am curious about his awakened passive though.
Hallowed Eddie has had such an interesting history in this game, being buffed and nerfed consistently until he got to his current state. I am really curious about how he will function after this update.
The High Virtue fixes will make them actually pretty useful against certain comps, so that's really nice to see.
Overall, pretty happy with the changes coming in this patch. I think overall there are a lot of good things, but again those awakening shards always suck just a bit to see.
I can only agree with GrimDusk. Yeah, new wakey shards are lousy ...otherwise really good changes.
I would like to just add one thing regarding the removal of gun/assassin soul from Satellite 15. I was actually quite happy to get those souls for free somewhere in the game.
Let me explain it. When I started playing the game, I didn't care for natural 1* and 2* toons, so I sacrificed them all. After playing for a year, I started collecting (all) toons. So I realised that, after having completed all missions (the souls were a reward there), I have to buy gun/assassin common souls with Trooper Badges if I want to collect all those 1* and 2* gun/assassin toons. But then it was nice to see that these souls were rewarded in the Satellite 15. And now you remove them again for higher rank players. Can you maybe just reduce the drop rate?
Last edited by osarbu; 02-23-2022 at 10:35 PM.
Once upon a time they made a very strong game ...
You are told to improve the interaction of game processes. You introduce new characters, new mascots. Then please, increase the number of slots. 800 is not enough for me. I have teams of 20-30 to beat 10 Buff and Amu. Without rearranging the talis. And I don't have enough space. This is my optimization. Because I don't have enough time. [removed by mod]
My gift to everyone who reads this post: Ama 10: auto, 4 characters, talis:
yggdrasil, marks
celestial, marks
marks, navigation
navigation, marks
please, increase the number of slots
I agree, more and more characters and talismans are introduced to the game, you gotta have-them-all.
[removed by mod]
Please, just don't. It's not even remotely funny and this is not the platform to discuss it.
Ama 10: auto, 4 characters
Sounds good, doesn't work. (just saying, so others are not fooled to believe this) Manually? Sure, with the proper team. On Auto and any characters? Nope. I mean, you probably can do it a few times with some luck, but it'll never be 100%.
1. This is not the Amaterasu discussion thread. Go there to spread fake news.
2. Current political situations are not be joking around. Grow up kid.
3. Your post is reported. Have a good day.
Hi everyone. Looks like this thread is getting a little off topic. I've removed some of the messages. Please, keep the discussion focused on the update notes.
I haven't read anything. At this time I was drinking vodka. And walking with a bear.
Glad you support democra
Where in the patch notes is the change about removing Ironite x250 purchasable with Sacrifice Currency from the store?
Like, really???!!!