Anyone else spotted this guy lurking in the Featured section of the Store... Yours for 9k Ironite guaranteed or a chance from each soul... Only 28 hours on the clock though.
Anyone else spotted this guy lurking in the Featured section of the Store... Yours for 9k Ironite guaranteed or a chance from each soul... Only 28 hours on the clock though.
Yep, 250x ironite thingy in the sacrifice store is gone, and I don't think Muisca Priest Eddie is meant to be there... methinks he's the chase character for the "Golden Luck" or whatever the name is of the event later this month. He looks really cool though, and his skillset seems interesting... he's like a souped up Visions of Edoardo, seeing as most of his skills share names with lines from El Dorado as well.
Last edited by MisterEly; 03-01-2022 at 07:47 PM.
Is mucar Ed only via souls avaible? I mean 100 souls..
About Muisca Priest Eddie
You know what, if I had the 2.5k Ironite from the sacrifice store I might be more tempted to go for the Muisca Priest...
Are you aware that I was not allowed into the game?
Do you know that your whole democracy is shit?
Do you know that Big Brother is above all of you?
You're aware that Ama's assassination scheme 10 works.
That scheme that they told you about: "Dude, don't even try. He's lying"
Dude, if I'm a kid. Can you bitch
I very rarely write anything here, only if it burns very badly.
We are waiting for clarification of the situation with ironite in the sacrificial store.
We are also waiting for an increase in the number of slots for runes and shards, since with each new type of awakening shards we have to sell 999 experience shards.
And please add awakening music shards to awakening souls or any dungeon, because we are tired of keeping the Drifter in a purple state for the third month.
Last edited by Aloizius; 03-02-2022 at 03:28 PM.
I think it'll be fixed soon