A new update is now available!

New Achievements
  • 2 new Achievements have been added to the Challenge menu.

New Awakenable Characters
No Prayer for the Dying Eddie is now awakenable! You can start powering up this character to new levels as of this update.

Lucifer now has an Alternate Awakening! Opening a soul containing Lucifer has a 10% chance to be Dark Unawakened Lucifer! The alternative Max Awakening can be obtained by acquiring 6 Lord Of Light Awakening Shards and 6 Dark Unmaker Awakening Shards.

Bug Fixes and Improvements
  • Increased drop rates of Talismans in Frontier Dungeons that had lower rates
  • Increased both character and talisman inventory by 100. Inventory limits are now 1,000 slots.
  • Virgo and Sagittarius Talismans have been added to the Talisman Soul
  • Dark Unawakened Lucifer has been added to the Lucifer Soul. Opening the soul and awakening him has a 10% chance to be Dark Unawakened Lucifer
  • All classes of Haunted Pumpkins essence value increased by 400

Tuning Changes
Follow this link to see all the Tuning Changes in this release!