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  1. #1
    Senior Member dragonmat89's Avatar
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    Coventry, UK

    Dragonmat89's Skills/Talisman Guide

    Hi all,

    I've just done an update to my spreadsheet with the new Alexander Awakening details and thought I might as well make a rolling thread where I post when I share a new version. The latest copy should be available to download at **this link** - as normal it's a text searchable/filtered spreadsheet with all characters and talisman information up to date as far as I am aware. The only thing I don't have is unawakened descriptions of skills - if a character is Awakenable then the max awakened skills is all I've included.

    I'll try and post updated links here as and when I have a complete copy to share. Apologies for any typos - anything that isn't up to date on the Compendium was typed out manually.

    **EDIT** I have now uploaded a new version at this link which should be viewable as a live document through your browser. I'll keep it up to date as and when there are changes; anything that I know is out of date will be set to have a red fill until I get chance to update with correct information \m/
    Last edited by dragonmat89; 02-24-2023 at 11:59 AM.
    In game: CrazyPanda2018
    Clan: The Fallen

    Fear of the Dark, Fear of the Dark;
    I have a Constant Fear of Running Out of Beer

    'Compendium' content for all Talismans and Characters (Max Awakened only if awakenable) available to view here. Please note I'll try and keep this up to date every few weeks.

  2. #2
    Senior Member GrimDusk's Avatar
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    Sep 2016
    Very cool, appreciated! Good to see a guide that is up to date with the current stuff in the game. I might suggest putting this into a Google Sheet if possible, as Google Sheets allow you to have it online as a living document for others to see at any point rather than having to download new versions.

  3. #3
    Senior Member dragonmat89's Avatar
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    Coventry, UK
    Cool, I might give that a go if the searchability is the same. This is just an extract from my main spreadsheet which I use to track what characters I have, where my talismans are, what Frontier achievements I still need to do, Raid Boss teams, dungeon teams, Awakenings, relics, the kitchen sink... If it's easy to just copy and paste across I'll see if I can get a 'live' version sorted that I can just copy new information into every so often from my main document
    In game: CrazyPanda2018
    Clan: The Fallen

    Fear of the Dark, Fear of the Dark;
    I have a Constant Fear of Running Out of Beer

    'Compendium' content for all Talismans and Characters (Max Awakened only if awakenable) available to view here. Please note I'll try and keep this up to date every few weeks.

  4. #4
    Senior Member dragonmat89's Avatar
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    Coventry, UK
    Just a note to say there is now a live version which can be viewed direct through browsers without the need to download - link has been added to the original post. Let me know if there are any visibility issues or if I've done something silly like save it in a filtered view. I'll keep updating the live document at least once a month if I can so it should never be more than a few weeks out of date.
    Last edited by dragonmat89; 02-24-2023 at 12:00 PM.
    In game: CrazyPanda2018
    Clan: The Fallen

    Fear of the Dark, Fear of the Dark;
    I have a Constant Fear of Running Out of Beer

    'Compendium' content for all Talismans and Characters (Max Awakened only if awakenable) available to view here. Please note I'll try and keep this up to date every few weeks.

  5. #5
    Senior Member dragonmat89's Avatar
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    Coventry, UK
    Updated at the original link to include all of march's new characters as well as the tuning notes from yesterday (typing out Magma Beast Eddie's new passive was a chore! This has struggled to fit in the Excel cell so I recommend copying the text out and pasting into Word if you want to read it fully.). Details of Bold-Harold are also in there seeing as he can be viewed via Hard Mode of House of Ed; just awaiting confirmation of what star level he is to start with but all other details are included.
    In game: CrazyPanda2018
    Clan: The Fallen

    Fear of the Dark, Fear of the Dark;
    I have a Constant Fear of Running Out of Beer

    'Compendium' content for all Talismans and Characters (Max Awakened only if awakenable) available to view here. Please note I'll try and keep this up to date every few weeks.

  6. #6
    Junior Member Blueclaw666's Avatar
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    Nov 2022
    Thank you for keeping this alive. It is appreciated more than you know!!

  7. #7
    Senior Member dragonmat89's Avatar
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    Coventry, UK
    Quote Originally Posted by Blueclaw666 View Post
    Thank you for keeping this alive. It is appreciated more than you know!!
    No problem, as long as I'm typing it all out for my own reference I'll keep copying across to the shared version as well
    In game: CrazyPanda2018
    Clan: The Fallen

    Fear of the Dark, Fear of the Dark;
    I have a Constant Fear of Running Out of Beer

    'Compendium' content for all Talismans and Characters (Max Awakened only if awakenable) available to view here. Please note I'll try and keep this up to date every few weeks.

  8. #8
    Senior Member dragonmat89's Avatar
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    Hi all - the spreadsheet has been updated with all new characters and talismans so far this month, but I've also added a new sheet that lists the special awakening materials for each awakenable character (compiled with some help from my clan for characters I'd awakened a long time ago and couldn't remember what was needed). I haven't included all details of whether colourless or coloured shards are also needed as wasn't sure whether it was one or both for many of the characters, so I've just left those squares blank. However, the special items (e.g. Celestial Shards, Ale Shards etc.) should all be right and give an idea what is needed for each final awakening. I'll keep this up to date each time a new character is announced, the same as the skill descriptions.
    In game: CrazyPanda2018
    Clan: The Fallen

    Fear of the Dark, Fear of the Dark;
    I have a Constant Fear of Running Out of Beer

    'Compendium' content for all Talismans and Characters (Max Awakened only if awakenable) available to view here. Please note I'll try and keep this up to date every few weeks.

  9. #9
    Senior Member dragonmat89's Avatar
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    I've also just added a fourth sheet which is a complete list of all the in-game achievements. It can be downloaded and used as a tracker if helpful; instructions are on the RHS of the sheet \m/
    In game: CrazyPanda2018
    Clan: The Fallen

    Fear of the Dark, Fear of the Dark;
    I have a Constant Fear of Running Out of Beer

    'Compendium' content for all Talismans and Characters (Max Awakened only if awakenable) available to view here. Please note I'll try and keep this up to date every few weeks.

  10. #10
    Senior Member dragonmat89's Avatar
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    Coventry, UK
    Updated again to add a matrix of who can wear each bespoke as well as a sheet listing what talismans, awakening materials and special cosmic evo materials each frontier dungeon drops
    In game: CrazyPanda2018
    Clan: The Fallen

    Fear of the Dark, Fear of the Dark;
    I have a Constant Fear of Running Out of Beer

    'Compendium' content for all Talismans and Characters (Max Awakened only if awakenable) available to view here. Please note I'll try and keep this up to date every few weeks.

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