I'm not a lone wolf. I lead the clan the beast. I've been in the game for since 2018. I've left it a couple of times and come back and rebuilt. I never said the game is dead. Just stale and not really meta much. I look to the forums and the old discord for updates. I just failed to log in for a couple of weeks. While Musicmaker went on his trans rant (nothing wrong with it). When I logged back in, I was out of the group and couldn't find it. I looked up in the forums and got in one, it seemed only Caesar was active in. I agree, the clans are active. I don't do social media aside from discord.
As for the game, it's been in need of new worlds developed and opened. how many years until they give us clan wars or silent planet?
They've been dangling these carrots for years. My clan hits sss every week and I find little interest in climbing gauntlet and arena. There's nothing left to be gained. I play because I love the game. I just wish it would be further developed.
As for the developers. They need to communicate publicly more and work on new content.
How many toons do we need to play the same thing. Out of all my collection. I find i use only about 5 teams. We need new content soon.