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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Jul 2016

    Talismans for a 5* child of dammed

    Hi recently i completed the underworld in madness and got a 5* child of dammed (red) but now idk what are the best talismans for him and i want know you opinion before i spent my runes leveling talismans, btw i ser one with 3 thorn shield and 3 thief and he look very op but i cant use because he isnt my allie champion. So what you think what are the best to use on my little devil.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Nekroliun's Avatar
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    Jul 2016
    Fierce strength, or Fierce guardian, and maybe 1 overwhelming. Das pretty much the setup for every single warrior in the game...

    I cant judge whats best between strength and guardian... Ask dem pros
    Nekroliun-3119 - Rainmaker Eddie/Nomad, prob both pretty bad

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  3. #3
    Senior Member slauki's Avatar
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    Jul 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Nekroliun View Post
    Fierce strength, or Fierce guardian, and maybe 1 overwhelming. Das pretty much the setup for every single warrior in the game...

    I cant judge whats best between strength and guardian... Ask dem pros
    definetly fierce strength! since his attack is that high. +15% ATK (strength) leads to +143 attack when the COTD is maximized. +20% of defence(guardian) only has a boost of +46 attack! this is a huge difference!
    it a math task ;-)

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