This made for a fun afternoon. I've been auto farming game of death madness and AMoLaD Madness for quite some time. I can beat number of the beast manually fairly regularly, depends on the last hit and if my team is stunned or not. Farming has been a bore lately and I can't wait for something new. With the reduction of rare souls, getting new characters now is non-existent...without paying.

I'm level 100 for about 2 months, have 25 level 5 characters, and 95% of my characters have 5* talismans. With most of them at level 40+. My farming team is Soldier Eddie (I unfortunately don't have CR Eddie), Wickerman Eddie, Corrupt General, Gunner COTD (maxed shards), Angel of Fear (maxed shards), Blue Allied Soldier, PSS (maxed shards), and Wickerman. The toons without maxed shards have some shards pumped into them, some 3-4. My talismans are more of a mid-build, not all strength, but not all health. I should probably try varying this next.

I assumed I could auto-farm many other levels, but was surprised that some were more challenging.

Last Wave - Number of the Beast is manual, rest are easy.
2nd last Wave - Blood Brothers is really tough for me due to the Trolls/Bats line-up
3rd to last - no problems there
4th to last - Beasts Wrath i can win 90% or so, and Blood Lust i can win 90% or so; these were harder than I thought. (Blood lust with 2 Gunner COTD and 2 Trolls makes it tough. I noticed some glitches on the gunner COTD Golden Stare healing ability still on a couple of waves. Sometimes it would give them more health back then they had.)

5th to last - All of them have some level of difficulty due to red trolls and there passive, but I could beat them at like data there)

I'm interested on other experience on this. I assumed because I could do Game of death and AMOLAD many times without even getting hit, that the rest would be easy. Not true.

So when you say highest level comfortable with, that all depends. Not all levels are I've relearned.
