Hi all, just passing to post my worries to the next change on my beloved Viking Eddie, even if the change doesn't sound like it will make a huge impact, after further testing, it certainly will.

Tested in a lot of scenarios, where the trigger would make a battle been won or lost.

Please don't get me wrong... CtA is too strong as of right now, but for the wrong reasons, mostly related to the generation of fury.

Ok if I get (and still was surprised by the info) that some triggers, like fury generated from skills can't be removed as a per-skill setting. Won't debate anything about this.

The fact that it will be a "lottery" skill is what will probably make me play as Pharaoh from now on.

Buffs are so easily removed nowadays...

The % on defense teams are just so freaking bonkers... Corrupt General almost ALWAYS stuns my hole team if no one has Immunity up. Alliance General always steals ALL (not just "up to 2") my buffs. Clair removed ALL buffs a LOT of times.

Hell even the LOOT from my Viking have "looted" all the skills on quite a few fights, where is supposed to steal only one.

So after quite a few fights on arena, I have come to the conclusion that AI % to trigger anything is wayyyy above a human player can achieve. And buffs on more than 75% of times are removed the very next round, making the buff worthless if you have to wait another round.

So AGAIN, this is not a rant, but I am pretty sure it will have a greater impact than whats anticipated.

Cheers!!! Ed.