Just letting you all know that I've added Fate and True Talismans to my location thread.
You might also see that I've added Satellite 15 to the list too. I've seen the thing give me Health, Holy, and Assassin Talismans so far (description claims Boost Talis drop too).
Did Satellite 15 drop any other Talismans for you?
Is possible to find somewhere IMMUNITY TALISMAN(WILL)? It's one with attack,GOL give only bulwark with magic....
are you sure?i think GOL give only bulwark talismans
Yeah, me too. I played all day and got lots of Immunity and only two were Will version. Mostly Bulwark for me. Got one Zone and quite a lot of Chance of different types as well as batch of Shell or various types (mostly Overwhelming).
Still, the free day did add a lot to my upgrade runes!
@ Deano: I never tried the glitch as I was around when the level was but I believe they patched it out.
GOL drops all yellow 3 Talisman types, as others said. I did write something to that extent in my thread, but that could be a bit clearer. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.