Quote Originally Posted by homechicken View Post
So I've been playing more casually, until last night. I finally got my 1000 secret area legendary soul reward. Used it, and got a 4 star Green Soulless Demon. I already had multiples of that one. That was the final straw, I sold all my talismans, and sacrificed ALL my characters. Got two more legendary souls as sacrifice rewards, both yielded....More garbage. Finished off with just Eddie, and over 20M gold then uninstalled the game. Later everyone. I hope you have more fun than I did.
Frustration in a nutshell! It has yet to beat me but to be honest I am not going to let it get to me...it is a game and none of us need to play it - we should want to play it and I am still there. I just hope that the game picks up as it is very buggy at the moment but at least I can play it which some cant by the looks of it.

Good luck to any and all that I have had enough - I can fully understand it and my wife does look at me sometimes on a Saturday night and just shake her head.....I get that too!