Has there ever been a definitive list as to what toons are considered "Legendary"?

Ever since I started back in July I can honestly say I've been furious over every legendary soul I've cashed in. I mostly get useless toons like the Corrupt Harpy that I got when I finished the campaigns. It seems that now I only get 4* dupes of 3* characters that I've already evolved to 5*. I don't think I understand where this game is going.

All the time and effort spent to get resources through the grind just to try and decide if I should get skill shards to invest in a toon that will just be nerfed and I can't reallocate the skill shards into something that might be more useful, or if I should get souls that will most likely be a "Legendary Disappointment".

I love this game, but with the amount of time it takes out of my day to get mediocre rewards has me questioning my sanity. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result just doesn't work for me. I remember when I started and the game only let you play for so long because you had a limited amount of SoT and you didn't have the ironite to refill all the time... The next levels were interesting and you saw new enemies that you had no idea the best way to defeat them... That was the most fun for me... but now with the game finished and no new content with the exception of Arena, I find myself bored beyond belief.

I think the only reasons I keep playing is because I feel a responsibility to all of my loyal troopers and want to help them as much as I can. I have so many 3* evo shards but not one more toon that I feel is deserving of being evolved to a 5. I wish the game could return to something that I truly enjoyed doing and not something that I feel obligated to do. Part of my dilemma is that I've invested so much time into this game that I find it hard to let go. The hope that things will change and it will become an interesting game again has me perplexed. At what point do you "Cut bait" and just move along without looking back.

Promises... promises... and maybe someday the game will once again live up to my expectations... Who knows??? Nobody... Not even the Devs...

With the state of the game right now it would actually be more rewarding if you could choose to spend 4 hours out of your day playing or 30 minutes. The time it takes to use all your troopers and complete all the daily tasks is more than excessive. The fact that the inventory system has never been properly fixed is also an issue that I and many others have raised in the past. When you are spending the time grinding and then have to spend more time selling off runes, shards and characters, it just makes me tilt my head and squint while uttering something profane. The fact that I still have the same phone is a testament to how much better I have become and controlling my temper. :-) I'd love to see a survey about how many phones have been broken due to frustration with the bugs and poor RNGuess statistics.

Which brings up another thought... I know how RNG works, but with this game it really doesn't seem to be the case. I see so many people with the same complaints about duplicate characters. And the duplicate characters I get are all different from theirs. I have yet to get a PDK and yet I see people who have 5 of them. I also saw someone the other day in Arena who had two Prisoners!! How can this be possible if it truly is Random? I know some people are more lucky than others but someone with two extremely rare prisoners???

Ok... This is why I don't post very often. This was intended to be in response to another post and it quickly escalated into a long and drawn out rant, so I'll just copy it and put it in a new thread.

Sorry, but my frustration level is high with this daily time suck and suppose I just needed to vent. Thanks to all my loyal troopers and I'll keep sending badges your way as long as I can. But the amount of time required to play and stay relevant needs a remedy.

Just my to cents or tree fitty...

Now that I've got all my troopers taken care of for the day I suppose I'll go work on cleaning out the garage or playing one of my guitars in the music room... I have about 7 hours before the cycle starts again...