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  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    G/A are 1/8 (=12,5 %) more than otherwise equivalent of W/M/S.
    Eddies are 1/4 (=25 %) more than otherwise equivalent non-Eddie.
    G/A Eddies are 13/32 (=40,625 %) more than otherwise equivalent W/M/S non-Eddie.

    (By otherwise equivalent I mean same *, same natural * and same level)

    We can also note that to be able to reach the highest sacrifice (VII, Ultimate Sacrifice) which requires 50k essence, you have to bring at least one natural 5* (unless you are sacrificing characters with skill shards on them).
    Last edited by konstifik; 03-26-2017 at 08:50 PM.
    Champion: Vampire Hunter Eddie 5* Lvl 100 Maxed Talismans, Maxed Skills

  2. #2
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    Did two Exalted Sacrifices (lvl VI) today. Got a skill shard and 3 rare warrior souls from the first and 3 rare warrior and 3 rare magus souls from the second. Those two sacrifices were also enough to fill up the vortex meter which gave me 4 skill shards, 2 rare G/A souls and a legendary soul.

    Got shit from those souls, but they unlocked some achievements which gave me more souls which gave me Rainmaker Eddie (and Pharaoh Dog which I didn't have before).
    Champion: Vampire Hunter Eddie 5* Lvl 100 Maxed Talismans, Maxed Skills

  3. #3
    Senior Member zamasu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by konstifik View Post
    G/A are 1/8 (=12,5 %) more than otherwise equivalent of W/M/S.
    Eddies are 1/4 (=25 %) more than otherwise equivalent non-Eddie.
    G/A Eddies are 13/32 (=40,625 %) more than otherwise equivalent W/M/S non-Eddie.

    (By otherwise equivalent I mean same *, same natural * and same level)

    We can also note that to be able to reach the highest sacrifice (VII, Ultimate Sacrifice) which requires 50k essence, you have to bring at least one natural 5* (unless you are sacrificing characters with skill shards on them).
    I got the same numbers.

    Now I think I can complete the whole chart

  4. #4
    Senior Member zamasu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by R1ck View Post
    My assasin CotD gave me 9000 at level 100, is a natural 5*
    Quote Originally Posted by Sidney View Post
    I'll bet you have some skill shards on him... I have two of them and the one without shards would only give 8000. I'll have to unlock my other one and check the value with the shards.
    R1ck, I Think so too. For now I will keep the number as 8,000 without skillshards

    Quote Originally Posted by Aristo4 View Post
    Viking skillmaxed, 15600
    Cyborg Skillmaxed 20850
    Desert Golem skillmaxed (yes) 5250
    Tailgunner skillmaxed 12900
    Quote Originally Posted by zdm-1083 View Post
    Regular 1* Lvl 1: 15
    Regular 1* Lvl 20: 25
    Regular 1* at 2* Lvl 1: 32
    Regular 1* at 2* Lvl 40: 50
    Regular 1* at 3* Lvl 1: 69
    Regular 1* at 3* Lvl 60: 100

    Regular 2* Lvl 1: 32
    Regular 2* Lvl 40: 50
    Regular 2* at 3* Lvl 1: 69
    Regular 2* at 3* Lvl 60: 100

    Gunner / Assassin Regular 5* lvl 100: 11250 (Vampire Hunter Eddie)
    I will add the 1* and 2* later.

    Added G/A Eddie #

    Quote Originally Posted by zdm-1083 View Post
    To Fix:
    4* Eddie at 5* lvl 1: 3200

    4* GA Toon at 5* lvl 100: 3600

    As well, I think that G/A is up to 12,5% of normal.
    Verified for:
    5* Eddie is 10K, 5* GA Eddie is 11250 ( )
    4* toon lvl100 is 3200, 4* GA toon lvl 100 is 3600

    So I guess you could put figures and wait for fix if any.

    About shards:
    PDK Max (12 shards) is 12K
    AoP Max (12 shards) is 7200
    WickerMan Eddie Max (20 shards) is 10K

    So at first sight, 333,33 for PDK and AoP by shard, 300 for WickerMan.
    Need to do more test with other toon but they are in my PvP team XD

    Edith: Worth to mention that I verified figures for 3* Eddie (from 3* lvl 1 to 5* lvl 1)
    Which 4* Eddie are you talking about? 4* at 5* lvl 100 for 3,600? I have to double check this.

    Thanks for verifying. I will run some numbers to see if I get the same %

    Quote Originally Posted by konstifik View Post
    Soldier Eddie / Tailgunner Eddie
    Natural 4 * level 80 - 3375 essence

    Tailgunner Eddie
    Natural 4*, 5* level 100 - 4500 essence

    Cyborg Eddie / Vampire Hunter Eddie
    Natural 5 * level 100 - 11250 essence

    Desert Marauder / Assassin Newborn of Light
    Natural 4*, 5* level 100 - 3600 essence


  5. #5
    Senior Member Sidney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zamasu View Post
    With the new feature “Sacrifice” many new questions arise of how it actually works. I spend some time to try to figure it out and this is what I found so far:

    First, get familiar with the terms:

    Essence: Each character has an “essence value” attached to it depending on its natural star tier (1* - 5*), level (1-100), character class (Warrior / Magnus / Sentinel vs. Gunner / Assassin) and Ally vs. Eddie.

    Note: Characters with Skills Shards get extra “essence value”

    Vortex Meter: (From the FAQ) It is long term vortex bonus, each sacrifice will add up in the vortex meter and give you bonus rewards when full.

    NOTE: Running some number we can find a pattern between them:

    You get an extra 25% essence bonus when you sacrifice an Eddie vs. a non-Eddie character
    You get an extra 12.5% essence bonus when you sacrifice a G/A character vs. a non-G/A character

    Essence Values:

    Warrior, Magnus or Sentinel (non-Eddie)

    Natural 3* Natural 4* Natural 5*
    Level 1: 167 Level 1: 1,800 Level 1: 6,400
    Level 60 and 4* Level 1: 240 Level 80: 2,400 Level 100: 8,000
    4* Level 80 and 5* Level 1: 320 5* Level 1: 2,560
    5* Level 100: 400 5* Level 100: 3,200

    Gunner / Assassin (non-Eddie)

    Natural 3* Natural 4* Natural 5*
    Level 1: 188 Level 1: 2,025 Level 1:
    Level 60 and 4* Level 1: 270 Level 80: 2,700 Level 100:
    4* Level 80 and 5* Level 1: 360 5* Level 1: 2,880
    5* level 100: 450 5* Level 100: 3,600

    Warrior, Magnus or Sentinel Eddies

    Natural 3* Natural 4* Natural 5*
    Level 1: 209 Level 1: 2,250 Level 1: 8,000
    Level 60: 300 Level 80: 3,000 Level 100: 10,000
    4* Level 1: 300 5* Level 1: 3,000
    4* Level 80: 400 5* Level 100: 4,000
    5* Level 1: 400
    5* Level 100: 500

    Gunner / Assassin Eddies

    Natural 3* Natural 4* Natural 5*
    Level 1: 235 Level 1: 2,530 Level 1: 9,000
    Level 60: Level 80: 3,375 Level 100: 11,250
    4* Level 1: 5* Level 1:
    4* Level 80: 5* Level 100: 4,500
    5* Level 1: 9,000
    5* level 100:


    NOTE: Please Help me complete the numbers and let me kow if I made any mistakes.


    NOTE2: Wicked Dog King and Queen are giving less points than expected...
    I unlocked my Soldier Eddie just to see what a Level 5 100 A/G would give in sacrifice and sacrifice is telling me 8100... And that's with 9 skill shards attached... Maybe I'm reading something wrong in the list, but you have a level 5* at EXP 1 as 9000... Is it different for Eddies you earn in the campaign as opposed to ones you get through rare souls?
    Daily Player
    This game is going to get me fired one day...

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sidney View Post
    I unlocked my Soldier Eddie just to see what a Level 5 100 A/G would give in sacrifice and sacrifice is telling me 8100... And that's with 9 skill shards attached... Maybe I'm reading something wrong in the list, but you have a level 5* at EXP 1 as 9000... Is it different for Eddies you earn in the campaign as opposed to ones you get through rare souls?
    Soldier Eddie from campaign is Natural 2* and not 5.
    Sacrifice does not give essence based on what the actual star level is of the character, but from which level it originated from

    Of course you can level everything to 100 but the extra essence earned is marginal therefore does not worth it

  7. #7
    Senior Member zamasu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sidney View Post
    I unlocked my Soldier Eddie just to see what a Level 5 100 A/G would give in sacrifice and sacrifice is telling me 8100... And that's with 9 skill shards attached... Maybe I'm reading something wrong in the list, but you have a level 5* at EXP 1 as 9000... Is it different for Eddies you earn in the campaign as opposed to ones you get through rare souls?
    I believe he's a Natural 4*

    EDIT: I see what you're saying. It is a mistake, I put the number in the wrong column ..
    Last edited by zamasu; 04-05-2017 at 05:22 PM.

  8. #8
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    You are right in a way

    Just like Wickerman Eddie, Soldier Eddie obtained from campaign is 2*

    Pulled from a soul he comes at 4*
    But I do not know how this is accounted for in terms of sacrifice

  9. #9
    Senior Member treeb0mbb's Avatar
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    Anyone know how much essence a skill shard does on a natural 4* G/A leveled up to 5* lvl 100?

  10. #10
    Senior Member Kardas's Avatar
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    Excellent thread.

    I can also add that limited time toons (eg; Haunted Pumpkins, Wickerdeer and Possessed Snowmen) give the same amount of Essence as other toons of their star rank.

    EDIT: I was also considering writing up a 'guide to guides' thread that can compile not only guides like these but also the more detailed character threads. I would do it, but I think it's best done by someone who are more sure that they'll be around on the forums for some time.
    Last edited by Kardas; 05-01-2017 at 10:11 PM.
    Soldier blue in the barren wastes
    Reflecting and shielding's a game
    Wrecking the Axis and wasting the dogs
    The only good demons are tame

    Kardas-1158. Retired

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