Quote Originally Posted by Nerada View Post
Hi Icarus,

I've looked at your toons, and i saw that you are lacking of maxed talismans. You have no "god tier toons" for arena (i think best one are gunner corrupted rescuer, sentinel soulless demon, the nomad, followed by angel of fear, sentinel harpy and magus corrupted rescuer, best eddies are cybord for offense and vision for defense but its debatable). I think both pyro soldier are pretty good and worth maxing. Assassin and sentinel golden son are above average.

But since you can't do anything about toons you dont have: Try to get all your team a good choice of talismans, which are mostly easy to get. I usually like to get energy set one at least one of my toons, since it can prevent the ennemy team to use their special abilities and allow you to use yours. Your team seems under construction for now, so try to finish it. Counting on luck for having the toon you look for isn't the best option.

Up the irons
Hello, and sorry for the late answer (i didn't see anything some hours later of posting this so i just forget that i made this post)
Thanks for being nice to share some experience, i tried to get some of the toons you named because i got some souls and spare badges and the results were : Gunner Corrupt Rescuer,Wickerman,Sentinel Soulless demon and Warrior Undead rescuer, and the best drop for me, Viking Eddie. I was aiming to get good sentinels or warriors with its respective rare souls, most than anything i wanted to have Troll and Nomad, Ace High too.

Also, thanks for using my champion daily, even with the bug that could freeze or crash the game so there isn't problem about the last days